Forum Discussion

xchappellnatorx's avatar
New Novice
17 days ago

A possible solution for events, assault battles and permanent ship challenges.

Hi CG. I believe I have a solution to firstly deal with the assault battle drama and also the locking if finaliser and raddus when 7 star.

So I propose that where the solo events, guild events and guild raids tabs are you add a permanent event tab. 

Then put all the assault battles in this tab and allow us to run x amount (whatever you decide) per month. But allow us to choose. And they reset every 4 weeks or 31 days or whatever time frame is best for you. 

This deals with player activity when in real life stuff comes up and allows us as players to progress onto newer assault battles at our own pace. While still allowing us to choose older ones up to your proposed limit.

I also propose you remove the finaliser and raddus shards from the previous monthly events as we have the new system now while adding them to a permenent events tab., and for the replaced monthly instead add a random 10 shards into the old monthly events of a set number of ships. And still allow us to get the ship ability materials and shard shop currency.

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