Forum Discussion

TheWatchDog24's avatar
6 years ago

A solution to this mess of a month

Obviously the vocal majority aren't happy about how things have unfolded with this game this month. It's a relatively frustrating time in this game. For three years now the meta has been defined by one singular team and game mode.(Squad Arena) . Squad Arena has the greatest payoff in crystals and therefor is where most of the spending via whales happens. What has been brought to light now more than ever is that the meta will always be changing and with over 170 character there will always be some F2P combination of characters with gear and mods that can challenge the meta squad some % of the time. I think with the release of a new fan favorite game mode in Grand Arena that it is time that this game doesn't become just about one dominant team but a dominant roster. If grand arena had the best payoffs for example it would encourage not only strategy but a deep roster full of synergies. The whales of the game would still have an advantage and be encouraged to spend . If CG's end goal is really to have a close to rock-paper-scissors meta than this seems to be the best solution given what we have. At the end of the day it's getting tiring to see the community repeatedly angered by all these changes. All this anger leads to people leaving the game F2P and Whale's alike. For me this is really sad given the potential of all the future Star Wars content coming at the end of this year, that could potentially attract new players.

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