Let's fix TW Sandbagging....
Let's face it, there is a lot of intentional and unintentional sandbagging in TW.
Currently the rules are that the number of defensive teams is based on the guild with the fewest members. While CG seems to deny this as an advantage for the team with fewer players, it is because it means that they players who signed up still only have to place 1 squad per zone (for those in the highest tiers).
So let's change it up. Make the number of squads based on the team with more signed up. Force the sandbaggers to put more teams on D so they have less available for offense.
While i would prefer a more extensive rework for TW, a minor tweak like this might make guilds who want to recruit based on a huge TW win rate, only to find out they get it by playing down by 40M GP.