Forum Discussion

DarkLordKeithJ's avatar
New Novice
8 years ago

AAT Tank Phase 4 Question

After toppling the tank in phase 4, you do your damage and then the tank resets itself. However, after resetting, a ship comes by from above and does massive damage to my team (-99999 damage). How are you supposed to avoid this? Are you not supposed to topple the tank in phase 4?
  • You need an active buff before the tank comes out of topple. This will prevent the massive damage.
  • Someone like Leia who buffs the rest of the team when hitting her basic will stop this happening. No buff - wiped out.
  • You can learn a lot from reading the in—game descriptions of various skills and events of the raids.
  • You can also learn a lot by asking questions on forums - especially when the text used in the in game descriptions is tiny.
  • "B_O_S_S_K;963038" wrote:
    You can also learn a lot by asking questions on forums - especially when the text used in the in game descriptions is tiny.

    depends on what you call "tiny".
  • "leef;963045" wrote:
    "B_O_S_S_K;963038" wrote:
    You can also learn a lot by asking questions on forums - especially when the text used in the in game descriptions is tiny.

    depends on what you call "tiny".

    Looks great blown up on a forum.

    Not so much on my phone. Either way, the OP ought not need to be chastised for asking a question.