Forum Discussion

trevorbear02's avatar
8 years ago

Am I the only one that absolutely HATES this 4x Speed in Arena??

Other than GW, this 4x crap is really irritating the hell out of me. I rank top 10 in ships and #1 or #2 every day in ship arena and regular arena, and it is SO MUCH HARDER now that people can beat you in less than 30 seconds. It is so annoying now, because you have to attack them with like 5 minutes and 20 seconds or less now (for regular arena), and they can easily just lock themselves while you are waiting to attack them. It is really annoying, and it is my least favorite of this update. In GW it is amazing, but man.. I don't enjoy this at all
Edit: Raids, GW, and ship arena is fine, but it is mainly just regular arena I am concerned about

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