Electrostaff Purge Trooper: Kit Concept
The Electrostaff Purge Trooper would be one of the main damage dealers of his team. Like his Fallen Order counterpart, he deals a lot of damage if you don't know how to control him, and becomes much more deadly with his Purge Trooper allies. Proficient in wielding an array of weapons, the Electrostaff Purge Trooper ties down his enemies with stacking counter chance, mass assists, and prevents them from dispelling Purge. Unit Name - Electrostaff Purge Trooper Tags - Dark Side, Attacker, Empire, Inquisitorius, Purge Trooper Mastery - Accuracy, Damage, and Defense Penetration Trained Maneuvers (Basic) (Final text, Omega) Deal Physical damage to target enemy, and attack again if they are inflicted with Purge. Attack for a third time and inflict Daze for 2 turns if they are a Jedi, Rebel or Unaligned Force User. These attacks can’t be evaded. Vengeance (Special 1, cooldown 5) (Final text, Omega) Dispel all debuffs on Electrostaff Purge Trooper and inflict target enemy with all effects dispelled for 3 turns, which can’t be resisted by Jedi. Then, he gains the opposite buffs, if any, for 3 turns. For each debuff that does not have a counterpart, or can’t be dispelled, inflict a stack of Purge on all enemies until the end of the encounter. Deal Physical damage to target enemy and gain Retribution for 2 turns. Assail (Special 2, cooldown 6) (Final text, Omega) Gain Defense Penetration Up for 2 turns, consume 1 stack of Purge from all enemies, and deal Physical damage to target enemy. For each stack of Purge consumed, call a random Inquisitorius ally to assist, dealing 70% less damage. If that ally was a Purge Trooper, the damage penalty is reduced to 30% (limit once per ally). Victory By Any Means Necessary (Unique) (Final text, Zeta, Omicron) Whenever Electrostaff Purge Trooper attacks out of turn, he gains +5% Counter Chance until the end of battle. Electrostaff Purge Trooper can’t be called to assist and gains +5% Counter damage whenever another Purge Trooper ally attacks out of turn. While Electrostaff Purge Trooper is active and all allies are Purge Troopers (excluding summons), enemies can’t cleanse Purge. While in Territory Wars: All Purge Trooper allies have +20 Speed, plus an additional 5 Speed for each Jedi enemy present at the start of battle. Purge Troopers lose all Protection and gain that much Max Health. At the start of each encounter after the first, Purge Troopers recover 100% Health, and gain +4% Max Health whenever Purge is inflicted on an enemy. If an ally is instantly defeated, all other allies gain Instant Defeat Immunity for the rest of the battle, which can’t be copied, dispelled or prevented. Whenever an enemy gains bonus turn meter, they are inflicted with Purge, which can’t be resisted. The first time each enemy gains 6 stacks of Purge, remove 100% turn meter from them, inflict Buff Immunity for 4 turns, which can’t be resisted or dispelled, and increase all their cooldowns to max. Enemies with at least 3 stacks of Purge will always be critically hit, and enemies with 6 stacks can’t evade. Purge Troopers allies have +10% Counter Chance for each stack on Purge on the target enemy. Recommended Mods: Critical Chance + Critical Damage Pressure enemies of the Inquisitorius with high damage through Crit Chance and Crit Damage Triangle (Holo-Array) Primary: Critical Damage Cross (Multiplexer) Primary: Offense Circle (Data-Bus) Primary: Protection Arrow (Receiver) Primary: Speed Secondaries: Speed, Critical Chance, Offense, and Protection4Views0likes0CommentsCheating is… ok?
Assuming it’s all good to cheat in this game.? Same cheaters in my shard since November. 0% chance he beats my Executor team with a home one with 5-6 star ships all g12 chars n under. On auto I beat em in less than 15 secs. Fun part is I’ve reported em multiple times since November and they’re STILL having the time of their lives. So is it fair to assume I should just go and cheat too? Clearly they’re doing nothing about them. And every day they take away my rank 1 reward is another day I lose premium currency to a cheater.139Views0likes1CommentUNFAIR error during GAC
Long story short I used my average traya team to battle my GAC opponent The opponent team is geos so I slice through like butter BUT… Nice tyvm… my win got voided As I didn’t get a win even tho I beat the opposing team… and I did not even get any banners…. Well there goes another round of how unfair can the game treat me today! thanks for reading my rant121Views2likes2CommentsCharacter idea: Ahsoka (Dark Side Vision)
A horrifying version of Ahsoka Tano if she chose to embrace the dark side of the force. Unit name: Ahsoka (Dark Side Vision) Relic Amplifier: Lightsabers Affiliation/Tags: Dark Side Support Unaligned Force User Double-bladed lightsaber Attacks and Abilities Basic: You Lack Conviction Deal physical damage to target enemy. Attack a 2nd time if the target was buffed, attack a 3rd time if they were debuffed or any buffs were dispelled. Light side enemies gain ability block for 1 turn. Special: Crush Opposition Deal special damage to target enemy with a 30% chance to call an ally to assist. If the assisting ally is dark side, they both gain defense penetration up, health steal up, and evasion up for 2 turns, reduce the cooldown of Drinker Of Light by 1. Special: Drinker Of Light Deal true damage to target enemy while dealing special damage to all enemies. Remove 25% turn meter and recover health equal to 25% of Ahsokas max health, doubled against light side enemies. Gain 1 stack of Dark Side Corruption(max 3) +35% offense and critical chance, -15% tenacity per stack. At max stacks these values are doubled, basic attacks then inflict tenacity down and healing immunity for 2 turns. This ability starts on cooldown. Unique: What Pride Had Wrought Ahsoka and the ally in the leader slot have +20% mastery and health(excluding Galactic Legends) When she assists dark side allies, she gains Ferocity and tenacity up for 1 turn. If she assists light side allies, she deals 30% less damage and is inflicted with expose for 1 turn. Unique: Live....Or Die If Lord Vader is in the leader slot, Ahsoka gains the Empire tag for the rest of the battle, and assists him whenever he attacks. If Darth Vader is an ally and there are no Galactic Legend allies, she instead gains the Sith tag for the rest of the battle. While Vader is alive; he and Ahsoka are immune to health percentage based attacks, and damage they receive is reduced by 1% from enemies with stacks of damage over time.276Views0likes1Commentcharacter idea: Galactic Legend Exar Kun
Inspiration: Ancient sith lord of old who becomes a nightmare to face in battle while also boosting his double bladed lightsaber allies Unit name: Exar Kun Relic Amplifier: Freedon Nadds holicron Affiliation: dark side, Tank Tags: Galactic Legend, leader, Sith, Sith Empire Attacks and Abilities Ultimate: Force Malstrom(requires 100% Ultimate Charge) Instantly defeat the weakest enemy while dealing true damage to all enemies. All allies cooldowns are reset.Defeated enemies cannot be revived. Every time Exar Kun or an ally gains We Have Returned or whenever an enemy is inflicted with Fear he gains 2% Ultimate Charge. Basic: Slaughter To Prevail Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 30% chance to call an ally to assist,increased to 50% if they weild a double-bladed lightsaber.Infict ability block, tenacity down, and healing immunity for 1 turn. Special:Unhinged Agression Deal special damage to all enemies with a 50% chance to inflict stun, call all double-bladed lightsaber allies to assist, if any enemy was stunned, inflict Fear on them for 1 turn. Leader:Far Beyond Driven All allies have 25% health, mastery and potency; doubled for Sith, tripled for Sith Empire. Sith allies gain We Have Returned whenever Fear expires on an enemy. The first time an ally is defeated, Exar Kun gains taunt and damage immunity for 2 turns. Unique: Twin blade mastery Exar Kun has 150% defense penetration. Allies that weild double bladed lightsabers also gain this effect. If they are Sith, they gain Ferocity. If they are Sith Empire, they start the battle with max stacks(15) of Ferocity. While Exar Kun is alive, these allies start their turns with potency up. Unique: Sith Alchemy Light Side enemies have -40% critical avoidance and -50% defense. Whenever a Sith ally attacks out of turn, they gain heal over time for 3 turns. The first time an enemy falls below 50% health they are inflicted with Fear for 1 turn. Galactic Legend This unit takes reduced damage from percent damage effects and massive damage effects. They take massive damage from destroying effects( excludes raid bosses) and are immune to stun effects.This unit has 10% max health and max protection per Amplifier level and damage they receive is decreased by 30%.340Views3likes0CommentsGAC Design is Backwards
Currently: GAC Matchmaking functions on your ranking. E.G., Kyber 3s are supposed to match other Kyber 3s. This means someone that is bad at the game with 15 mil GP regularly matches into people who are good at the game with 11 mil GP. Because of the GP gap, the 15 mil players get a free win and premium rewards for that win. On top of that, the 11 mil player gets demoted for poor performance. This is a horrible system. It does not reward skill or game knowledge. It actively punishes good players and rewards bad ones. Correction: Fix GAC matchmaking to make it based on GP, but keep ranking based on points. Add a deviation range based on rankings. I.E., Kyber players are supposed to be the highest skill, so they match with anyone up to 1.5 mil GP above them. Bronziums are not particularly good so that range should be closer to 250k. If you have to deviate further than the rank range, the lower GP player gets a degree of protection in their rank. I.E., losing to a 1.5 mil higher account by 10 counts against you less than losing to a 500k higher account by 100. This way, a player's roster actually matters. Their ability to matchup to their opponents is actually relevant. You do not punish players that claw their way through your ranking system only to lose impossible battles. AND, new players don't end up facing 12 mil accounts that only hit the join button for rewards. Everyone wins. No one likes clicking join GAC with the intention of playing it, only to get stomped by the awful matchmaking.526Views7likes18CommentsHow many times do I have to report a cheater for that person to get banned?
Their is a blatant cheater in bronzium league. And he is still playing this game. It is pathetic that Capitol games doesn't take this seriously! Why should all of us non cheating players be subjected to this. This should be taken seriously! This person better get banned!160Views3likes2CommentsTerritory war Problem
I got a problem with my guild we have no GL at all and we end up against 2(jedi master Kenobi and Leia Organa) I didn't put any defense so I can't take points and therefore drops, I'm not the only member of the guild in that case but the other one has only one character G12 the rest of the box is under this how do we fight against GL and how do we do to get points when enemy is overpowering us totally Could use the same system as GAC like when you attack you're considered participating and get the points even tho you don't have points (like in raids even with no damage you can take drops if you start a run after the phase 4 boss is dead but before the final calculation)92Views0likes3CommentsGAC rewards system needs a rework
Is it just me, or does the current reward system seem illogical and in need of improvement? I recently realized that the weekly event rewards are exactly the same for all divisions! It doesn’t matter if you finish 1st in Aurodium or 1st in Carbonite—you get the same rewards. At the very least, there should be clear differences in weekly rewards based on the division you’re fighting in. All our lives we’ve been taught that it’s better to be the worst among the best than the best among the weakest. Right now, CG’s system punishes players who strive for better results. On top of that, smaller accounts often have to fight, for example, in Bronzium against accounts with three times their GP. Why? Because it’s worth it for those players to stay there, rack up easy wins, and then throw a few battles here and there to avoid fighting opponents at their actual GP level. Let me give you my personal example. My account is around 6.5M GP. In Aurodium, I was regularly finishing 2nd to 4th, and sometimes even 1st, in the weekly events in Aurodium. Because of that efficiency, I recently got promoted to Kyber 5—where I now regularly lose because the number of squads required is beyond the depth of my roster. So now I end up finishing either 8th or somewhere between 7th and 5th in most rounds. Which means… it was actually more profitable for me to purposely lose in Aurodium to avoid moving up to Kyber, rather than keep winning and then face much stronger rosters. And no, 10 crystals difference per day between A1 and K5 does not make a difference :) And here’s the simple math. If I finish 2nd-4th three times in weekly events, I get: 1,500 Crystals (3x500) 4,800 Championship Tokens (3x1,600) 450 Mk I (3x150) 6 Zetas (3x2) Plus the end-of-season Championship reward. But if I finish 8th three times in Kyber, I get: 300 Crystals (3x100) 2,241 Championship Tokens (3x747) 150 Mk I (3x50) And zero Zetas. Even if you add the end-of-season Championship reward for Kyber 5, the overall payout doesn’t come close to balancing out. And even if I manage to win one round, it still doesn’t make up for the difference. Does CG plan to do something about it?222Views3likes5Comments