Sandbox Mode!
Its time for a Sandbox Mode - a Mode where we can set up an opponents Team or choose from top 20 Teams. This willl provide more enjoyable time to practice Teams, Switch it up and Have fun, Be able to test new mods sets, and alot more enjoyment in the game. Now with the Heavily Increase of Characters and Squad possibilities it is time. Thank you.49Views2likes3CommentsImprovements For GOH (Ally System Rework & Creature Arena)
I love Galaxy of Heroes a ton, but I have many ideas for reworks and new features for this game. Most importantly, I think the Ally system needs a huge overhaul. It's great to have an extra (often over-powered) character on your squad, and it's an excellent way to test new characters to see how you like them. However, there is little point to actually friending/allying with someone other than chatting. This is a huge missed opportunity in my opinion! I think making specific allies should open a whole host of new mechanics. For example, allied players could: Send each other gear like in guilds Choose a specific character from their friend's roster to help them in battles Have friendly real-time battles with each other! Maybe they could also get to send currencies in limited quantities once per day. These are only a few ideas I have for this specific rework that I really want to see. Another thing I really would love to see is a new holotable for Creature battles. Like ships, creatures would have their own collection page and game modes. This way, we can have all our favorite aliens face off in arenas! Some animals that already exist (like the Wampa) could be transferred to this mode, or some (like Batcher) could have more general species counterparts in the Creature Arena. Some ideas I had were: Scazz Lurca Hound Nexu Reek Baby Rancor Ogdo and/or Ogdo Bogdo The crazy spider things from Kashyyk etc... Please let me know what you all think and let's see if we can get this to the devs!23Views1like0CommentsIs DSR bugged?
I've run SLKR with Rey a few times now, mostly in arena, but also in TB. Characters that are supposed to start the battle with taunt, are not starting with taunt. For example, I ran the TB node on Geonosis. First wave was the bugs and the summon did not have taunt up like normal. On the flip side, in arena, I just fought a SLKR with Rey with specs and my GL snips did not start the battle with taunt. Am I missing something in reys kit?32Views0likes0Commentstime limits on pvp battles
i know im just screaming into hyperspace, but could the dev team consider extending of removing time limits on Arena battles? my teams are heavily based on careful strategy and slowly wearing down the enemy. The time constraints make it impossible to beat a normally winnable battle. thx i guess159Views0likes4CommentsEveryone Flood the Forums.... BANE
I've posted this a couple times, now I'm calling for the community to help. Don't comment here, just create a similar post and flood the forums. With the recent drop of the new omega, CG was quick to "investigate" her interaction with DN. Yet, still no acknowledgement of recognition for banes ability not working as it's written. They will be busy handing out refunds for everyone who bought Omega to use her how her kit was written, so flood the Forums with posts about bane. It has been over a year since his release, yet Omega gets attention before her event even ends. Everyone flood the Forums with "FIX BANE!!!!!!!!" And select all the tags.413Views1like6CommentsAnyone else having problem with the tank revive datacron?
Recently i've noticed that whenever i use the tank revive datacron in combination with the ufu 2round damage immunity, i never see an actual revive of my tank, and my ufu still gets damaged. I could understand if it was an GL or permakill attack, however this is not stated in the description, i also saw this happen against a non GL team. Any feedback is appreciated.100Views3likes3Comments