Forum Discussion

DarthAceSolo's avatar
Rising Rookie
3 hours ago

Apologies and No more accusations.

So after looking into it, it, no cheating happened and even though I apologized to the people I accused in game prior to being posted, I still got posted and blasted. So kudos. Famous for the wrong reason. And if you didn't get my apology, I apologize for making the accusations that I did.

I did not BUY this account. I've been playing since 2018 on one account only. So this post is an apology post for blowing up the forums with accusations and an apology to my guild, for bringing shame to it, for bringing embarrassment to them In such a way i'm looking like an a** and one.

This isn't a post to try and save face because it's well past too late for that and was not requested by anybody to make. This is just a post that I decided to make. 

I realize that nothing I post or say is going to change, what people think of me, or what people are going to say about me. I also realize that people are still gonna give me s*** about this post and every other post that I have made and will make. Did I fail to accept losing? Yes. Did I wrongfully accuse people of cheating without proper evidence? Yep. Will I be forever remembered as THAT person?  Sure am. I can't change that. All I can do is change myself.

People play games to escape the realities of the real world. The bs and the drama. All i did was bring bs and drama into that world. So I apologize to my guild and to the community for bringing toxic energy to the game that should not be there and for being an immature person about this ordeal. I am prepared to accept all the remarks and comments I will be getting.  I'm not asking for forgiveness, nor acceptance. Just trying to do the right thing. 


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