Forum Discussion

almightywood's avatar
8 years ago

Approved posts?

So I like to go back and edit my posts. After I do so a couple of times, they vanish and I get a line that says: "Your post will appear after it is approved."

Well the post never appears after that so I end up just having to repost the post. What is the point of this option when I could just reply again without issue? It basically just seems like a punishment to people for editing instead of double or triple posting.

I would like to see the option removed if possible. I don't see anything beneficial coming from it. If it is somehow beneficial I would be interested to learn what it is.
  • My experience is having urls in the page or certain key words can trigger the message and yeah I don't think I have ever seen the edited post ever appear. They just don't have enough community folks to review and approve them.

    Avoid URLs. Avoid dirty words and words containing words that may be flagged. And pray that RNG is on your side.
  • Oh my goodness. Now it is not only erasing posts simply because I edited them, it isn't letting me repost either.
  • I'm really getting sick of this. I shouldn't have to wait 5 minutes to repost something because I edited for clarity.
  • This fucking God damn piece of shit cockblocking feature needs to be removed. I should be able to edit a god damn post without it fucking disappearing.
  • See what I mean? I can swear up a storm and the profanity filter will cover it and post anyway.

    But edit a post? Oh man, better erase that post.

    Remove that crap. It is only irritating it serves no purpose.
  • Seriously, remove the post approval feature. How the heck are people supposed to have a conversation around here?
  • I've had big compilation posts with lots of collected info (like shop content) disappear for me twice now. - For no apparent reason.

    I want to be a part of the community and help others like they have helped me, but I'm afraid it will happen again. So I haven't gotten back to re-formating my plain text backup for the last post. I have been discouraged from being a part of the community :/