"Ninjah9;c-1577547" wrote:
The whole snapshot explanation is weak, I guarantee you there will never be another Ventress toon. Ventress absolutely is a sith, the comparison to Ashoka is spot on. And Ashoka fulcrum should be listed as a jedi too. My thought is the sith/jedi specials are shared because of light/dark powers of the force. So if they use the light/dark side of force they should benefit from those abilities. My main point is it makes characters more versatile and is justified by canon.And increases strong squad variation, making the game more fun. Another contradiction with Jarrus and Ezra is they have the jedi tag, not because they are officially part of the jedi order but because they utilize the force. Darth Maul and Savage disconnected from their sith masters, and they are still with. I think it would be cool if they benefited from being teamed up with the nightsisters.
Totally WRONG. First off, bringing the sexist argument is utter kathleen kennedy bullshit. Kanan and Ezra simply want to become Jedi's or advance in the habits of Jedi. Same do Maul and Savage. Savage only because of his brother and the influence of Dooku, but Maul for his own sake.
And now Ahsoka/ Ahsoka Fulcrum. There are 2 versions. 1 Jedi 1 not. Guess why? ... RIGHT! Ahsoka Tano is the padawan version still in the Jedi Order introduced by Plo Koon to become a Jedi. In Series 6 Ahsoka Tano leaves the Jedi Order. Later on she joins the rebellion to fight the Empire. So she ain't a Jedi anymore due to her own believe and will. Thats the Fulcrum Version.
Asajj at one point has been Dookus apprentice. Correct. And Dooku called here therefor his sith apprentice. Right. But at one point she gets betrayed by Dooku so she starts to hate Dooku and the Sith and wants to take revenge on him with her nightsister allies. So as Fulcrum she is no SITH to her own will and believe. That is why Asajj in the game is such an important Nighstsister Leader because she lead on the Nightsisters in the fight against Grievous and Dookus Droid army. End of the story.
Just because a Char is in the Game it doesnt mean this char has to get every potential tag it could have. It depends on which version of this char has been taken. Old Ben aint a Republic Char even though he fought for it all the time. Simply because at his older age the republic already had fallen.
Try to look at it that way for all chars and it starts to make sense :)
Oh and the use of the Force ain't an indicator at all. Mace Windu for example uses the dark side to channel his power for his Vaapad lightsabre technique. Should he be a Sith now too? I dont think so ;)