Forum Discussion

minato408's avatar
New Spectator
4 years ago

Assault Battles

I'm curious if we will be getting new ones in future, so far we have:

Empire/ Droid
Jedi/ Ewok
Sith/ First Order
Imp Troopers/ Bounty Hunters
Rebles/ Clone troopers
Pheonix/ Night sister

Like, I'd enjoy a Assault Battles 2 that was harder and covered

Galactic Republic/ Bad Batch
Mandalorian/ Scoundrels

It be nice to see new challenges really.

Also tweaks to one of the old ones, since i'm still sure I've heard no one has managed to beat the night sister Assault battle even with R9.

3 Replies

  • "SemiGod;c-2310212" wrote:
    Well I mean GR & BB are kinda the same : p

    You forgot Omega
  • About Secrets & Shadows (the nightsister one), an idea would be to allow players to use their resistance toons in the fight. Sure, thematically, it doesn't make much sense, but:

    1. Rey Skywalker (yes that's what I call her, just "Rey" is dumb) is the only GL that cannot be used in any of the Assault Battles. If players knew that Rey could be used, this would encourage some players to spend resources (aka money, gear, crystals etc) acquiring her.
    2. This battle is the only one that cannot be beaten by 99.99%+ of players. Has anybody ever beaten tier 3?
    3. By adding Resistance toons, they can be used more often and for those players that reliced their Nightsisters and/or Phoenix, it would take nothing away from them.