Forum Discussion

Drewbee48's avatar
6 years ago

Auto deploy?

So, it just groups all the highest gp toons together to make semi super teams, just without the synergy?
I look at my opponents defense of zzzCLS, zzzJTR, zzKRU, zzJyn, zzR2D2 and it seems I may not be able to get through a team that is auto deployed.
I thought auto deploy was supposed to make hodge podge teams from their whole roster.
  • Yup, they may not have synergy but that doesn't necessarily make them easy and in some cases it may be worse than the coherent squad you would otherwise have been facing.

    Best you can do is try to break the lower zones where they may be slightly weaker. It deploys top-front, lower-front, top-rear, lower-rear in that order so lower-rear is weakest.

    They should have picked random toons from the roster rather than the top-end.
  • It deploys from top down of the GP making groups of 5.

    Generally speaking they will be a hodgepodge of toons with no real synergy.
  • That's exactly how it looks Rath_Tarr. His top 5 were 121.5k and my top 5 are 113.5k. I was able to clear it in this case but it is still unfair that you could potentially lose the round by facing all their top characters on the front wall and not able to get past them depending on your strategy.
    It really should use some sort of random generator of their top 50 or something.
  • Unless you have put down no or a paper thin Defense, your opponent should have no chance of beating you, as all their top toons will be placed on Defense and so their offensive capabilities will be massively reduced
  • I got stuck on an autodeployed team this GA as well. Through pure luck, it happened to have pretty good synergy (Bastila lead, all Jedi except R2). But without his 25 best characters, there’s no way my opponent is going to get through my defenses. And most of the time, players with autodeployed defenses aren’t going to be attacking anyway. So you’re guaranteed a win as long as you can at least beat 1 of your opponent’s teams.