8 years ago
Balancing the meta
Balancing the meta We have come far in this game and arrived in a place where a select few characters combine multiple roles in a team overwhelmingly well so that only extreme synergy like resi...
"Bt_7274;c-1196936" wrote:"hbk1468;c-1196926" wrote:"Bt_7274;c-1196915" wrote:
Boo -1,no toon needs a nerf,all of those are balanced and none need a nerf,
Chaze:they are countered by daze,fracture,and high damage attacks(wiggs for example),after you kill baze(very easy) chirrut literally has no health
Gk:hes the hardest toon to get ,and hes perferctly balanced,looking at his base speed,and the fact that hes a tank,makes him not get more than 1 turn,also he has alot of counters,and the most simple one is buff immunity
Thrawn:seriously? Nerf his damage output?you sound like someone who is losing to these toons and want a nerf instead of changing your strategy,special damage heavy toons always do good damage ,thats their thing(ep,tarkin for example),so he is also balanced,also you say he has high speend,do you even know what fracture is?it lowers his speed by 50% so even when he has 270 speed if there are fractured enemies,his speed is 135,oh and he also removes tm from himself so he barely takes 3-4 turns,again,he is countered by daze ,and high damage attacks,oh also his damage is nothing compared to actual attackers like wedge or tfp
Dn:dn is a little too powerful but,1)he has a low base speed 2)he isnt immune to ability block/stun unlike the other toon who can one shot almost anyone(fulcrum ahsoka),so he can be controlled,and if anyone deserves to be powerful its him
TL;DR:you need to change your strategy instead of coming here asking for nerfs,oh and if you say "i have no problem with these toons but they are op" its not acceptable because if you dont have problem beating them,how do you saay they are op?
Ok lots of problems with your arguments. Where do i start...
chaze gets countered by daze? except for when chirrut cleanses or has ten up, yeah. chaze has a good anti-crit mechanic so i wouldnt bring up wiggs when wanting to counter them really.
gk- buff immunity: sure, until he cleanses it or chirrut does it for him
thrawn speed is very relevant cause if u have a zetaed dn on your team for example thrawn will do his tm increase/cleanse to rex who will tm increase everyone and depending on the team u are facing this can be devastating.(but i am sure u have no dn zeta or even know what it does).Over 10 k damage on a basic for support with that kind of speed and those abilities is too much dude. get it?
change my strategy? i think it is pretty effective: get the op toons. was pretty effective until now. but shouldnt the strategy be: get the best synergy? nope because it is basically irrelevant(except jedi, resitance, etc), which is the general problem.
Again my argument is that they are too good outside of their synergy peers, which makes their synergy peers irrelevant, which is boring. Not at all saying any team is at all unbeatable.U just have no incentive to go for anybody else than those toons in arena.
dude,youre pretty ignorant,you say i havent faced dn zeta and dont know what it is?are you on my jan 2016 shard?if not how do you know?and you say chaze cleanses,tell me how can they cleanse when their cooldowns are increased by deathtrooper or are ability blocked/stunned ,also i dont see any anti crit mechanics besides healing,which they cant be healed when they are one shotted
Gk:he cant cleanse if he is stunned
Thrawn:have you ever faced yoda?he is also a support toon,oh and biggs,he is also a support,also cassian,he hits pretty hard on special and basic,oh i also forgot aayla secura ,who can also stun on counters while doing 14 k on basics.qui gon jinn also hits hard on his basic,so here you go 5 supports and all do more than 10 k on basics
Also,you say the best strategy is to farm "op" toons,which is not,its not like you need those mentioned toons to get number 1 ,see jedi,resistance for example,oh or empire,and you say they operate better when they are not with their faction,which is not true examples:
Chaze with rebels=enemies not dying because they heal alot
Gk with jedi:a tank that cant be hit because it always has foresight,pretty cool huh?
Thrawn with empire:this isnt even worth arguing we all know how thrawn made empire extremely viable
Dn with sith:im pretty sure iprefer my dn to go faster than all my enemies(zaul lead) or heal to the point that dn anihilates more than 3 people(his own leader ship)