Forum Discussion

OneTrueRichy's avatar
New Spectator
8 years ago

Best Phoenix to Zeta for Thrawn event

Which of the Phoenix characters are best to Zeta for the event? I have Ezra G10, Kanen G9, the rest G8.

13 Replies

  • Can it be done without chopper? as my chopper is not 7* yet, the rest are 7* gear 8. I have thorn @ 6* but struggling to 7*him. What mods are best?
  • If you must zeta I’d go with Kanan. Dispel all allies and give target ally and self foresight. My guild mate zeta’d Kanan to beat it but it’s possible with none. What’s up with all the don’t waste your zetas replies? Yes it can be done without them but for some it could mean victory or defeat! Phoenix is a great team anyway and I plan to zeta every one of them.
  • I just completed the event. I can confirm that you don't need any of the Phoenix characters zeta'd to complete the event. Just max out the rest of the abilities, gear the characters to 9 and 10, mod them, and you should be fine. Will zeta-ing characters make things easier? Yes. But it's not necessary and optional.