Forum Discussion

blundgren89's avatar
7 years ago

Phoenix setup 7* Thrawn

Hey everyone!

I just defeated Thrawn after several attempts and finally unlocked him at 7 stars.
The reason I post this is to give, like many others, some guidelines and information about my team.

Now, my team is not lvl 85. Not a single one, however they are all lvl 82. I don't have "super"-mods on any of them.

- Hera: G8, Potency/Health (155 Speed & 43% Potency). Outwit & Rise Together Omega.
- Ezra: G10, Offense (150 Speed, 186% Crit dmg, 44% Crit chance). Rushing Strike & Watch and Learn Omega
- Kanan: G8, Health (25.5k Health, 13k Prot, 107 Speed, 21% Potency & 24% Ten). Disarming Strike, Intervene and Clear Mind Omega.
- "Zeb": G9, Potency/Health (158 Speed & 46% Potency). Bash & Shrug Off Omega.
- Chopper: G8, Defense/Health (159 Speed & 40% Crit chance). Reckless Fling Omega.

Hopefully this detailed information will help someone that want's to know if their Phoenix team meets the bar for Tier 7 (could be lower but I had some struggle with it).
A link to my team as well:

Now, like many others already pointed out it helps a lot to have every unique at omega, but it's not "needed".
The strategy I used was to get rid of the ST's taunt straight away and focus ALL dmg on the DT's. After I cleared out the 2 I started to "control" Thrawn with Zeb (daze, stagger, stun) on every opportunity I got (thus the "high" potency on him) meanwhile I cleared the rest of the room with everyone else until only Thrawn himself was left.

If the RNG is causing problems for you, just try again and change the order on your team. I don't know if that will help you but it felt like it did for me, could be occasional.

I hope this will help some and encourage others that it's not needed to have the team at lvl 85, geared insanely and with super-mods to beat GAT, I managed and so can you :smile:

  • I just got him today as well! I think that dispelling the buff on the death troopers was key. I had pretty crappy mods albeit almost all 5dot I focused stormtrooper when he taunted, he wasn’t that hard to take out. One thing you did that I didn’t do was stun thrawn with zeb. I got super lucky with RNG and the commanders both attacked zeb while they had daze and he stunned them both the it was easy pickins with Ezra gear 10, he just tore them apart. Thrawn took out all but hera and Ezra at the end. I should have screen shot it, I don’t remember who gave the last blow. Probably Ezra
  • "SoViciouz;c-1430005" wrote:
    I just got him today as well! I think that dispelling the buff on the death troopers was key. I had pretty **** mods albeit almost all 5dot I focused stormtrooper when he taunted, he wasn’t that hard to take out. One thing you did that I didn’t do was stun thrawn with zeb. I got super lucky with RNG and the commanders both attacked zeb while they had daze and he stunned them both the it was easy pickins with Ezra gear 10, he just tore them apart. Thrawn took out all but hera and Ezra at the end. I should have screen shot it, I don’t remember who gave the last blow. Probably Ezra

    Yeah dispelling the buff helped! Totally agree. My death blow was delivered by Zeb (only him, Hera and Ezra standing at that point). I did take a screenshot to save the memory ;)