I have sent this question to ever single Q&A with no answer.
Bounty Hunter Quest 3/7, Win 12 Battles with IG-88 in Territory Battles. Since this quest only works with the dark side Hoth territory battles, why haven't you "fixed" this bug by simply renaming the text to read "Win 12 Battles with IG-88 in Hoth dark side Territory Battles"? Renaming the text (in every language of course) would surely be simpler than fixing the code behind it.
It doesn't fix the problem, but it would make the quest more accurate, therefore "fixing" it.
I have also submitted this question several times with no answer.
5a) ***WITHOUT*** leaving the guild they are in, how are players suppose to complete achievements & prestigious quests (see below) that are tied to both the light side and dark side Hoth Territory Battles when their guild is ***ONLY*** willing to do the Geonosis TBs?
5b) As you probably already know, powerful guilds tend to only want to do the GeoTBs only. This does not sit well with some players. Have you considered giving guilds the choice or opportunity to do a “bonus” Hoth LS & DS TB, perhaps once, twice or four times year? This would certainly help players complete some of the quests & achievements (see below) that are strictly tied to the Hoth TBs.
• Achievement, The Frozen Rebellion - Earn 45 Stars in a single Hoth LS TB map.
• Achievement, The Frozen Empire - Earn 48 Stars in a single Hoth DS TB map.
• Fulcrum Quest 3/4, Defeat Hoth Rebel Assault phase 6 Rogue One mission (only available Hoth LS TB)
• Bounty Hunter Quest 1/7 - Defeat 50 Wampas with Boba Fett present (Only reliable place found for Wampas is the Hoth DS TB)
• Bounty Hunter Quest 3/7, Win 12 Battles with IG-88 in Territory Battles (Only works with Hoth DS TB, does not work with Geo DS TB)
Lastly, I had also submitted this question as it could serve as a possible work around to the quest bug. Again no answer.
4) I know you (CG) have said in the past that you don't want both the Hoth TBs and Geo TBs running at the same time. My proposal below, IMO, I think is a good compromise.
Every three to six months, during a week that the regular TB is not running, give all guilds a **CHOICE** to run a bonus LS Hoth TB (and three to six months later a bonus DS Hoth TBs) for either full or even half rewards.
You (CG) have said in the past that:
• We don't want to use up too much time of the players.
• We want to make getting players to G11/G12 easier.
• We don't want to upset the game economy with too many rewards.
I say:
• If the guild thinks the optional bonus Hoth TB is not worth their time, they will choose not to do it.
• Having extra bonus rewards will help players reach G11/G12
• If members of the guild are doing Hoth based quests or achievements, they can progress.
• The game is not flooded with tonnes of extra rewards as the Hoth bonus "event" would only happen two to four times a year.
• Some players complain about not having enough things to do. Doing a week long event is something to do.
• Some players are interested in acquiring Rebel Officer Leia Organa and Imperial Probe Droid shards without having to spend GET2 currency.
• Because Hermit Yoda, Wampa, Malak and General Skywalker all need GET1 currency, there is an ever greater need to play Hoth TBs as they provide much more GET1 currency.
If you don't think this is a good compromise, can you please explain why?
There are also alot of reports in the official bug reporting area about this bug, but after ~10 months since the first report, I would stop holding my breath.
TL:DR - If you are tired of waiting for CG to fix the bug and if the quest means that much to you, you will have to do what I did, bite the bullet and go to a guild that is willing to do a DS Hoth. If you have enough GP, try and find a guild (225-ish million GP) also willing to do the 48 star achievement. Two birds, one stone and all that....