I think the rework is good, but missing one thing from being great.....thermal detonators. They should have done something with them to make them a viable threat. I think the popular opinion is unresistable/uncleansable, but if they felt that was to much, may something else. I was thinking that since they are an explosive device, they should be detonated by other explosive devices. So bobas rocket, instead of dispelling them for bonus damage, it's explosion would cause active detonators on that target to explode. Dengar's mini-mines would explode and detonate them. Scariff pathfinder, when he throws his bomb to activate his taunt, would blow them them etc. So even if they were dispelleable, you'd have a chance to blow them up before that happens. Or if not that then something, anything to make them better. The devs swallowed their pride with the terrible raid rewards rework and took it ba it's not to late to still make a change like this