Forum Discussion

marauder_tank27's avatar
8 years ago

Bye Bye Tarkin/ Executrix

I went from 80 to rank 1 in ships cos of thrawn.

I was running AA for the longest time with frustrations on tarkins AOE.

This is basically the problem with ship arena. Capital ships control the match
  • I think the OP is suggesting that anyone that can get Chimaera will do so as it's (apparently) the best Command Ship. More Thrawn, less Tarkin.
  • I can get chimaera to 6 star and will still be using Thrawn I think as I will 7 star his ship.
  • @Flamethrow yes i was referring to thrawns ship as OP. tarkin is old news. kinda like how rex lead became cls lead
  • I have thrawns ship at 7* and was in first place.
    Just got bumped by a 6*endurance
    His fleet power 355 798
    Mine 437 079
    People don’t need to worry about thrawns ship being meta.
    If you ranked well before in fleet arena then nothing should change.