Forum Discussion

DaPowerfulJedi's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

C-3PO Kit Idea

Light Side, Support, Galactic Republic, Droid, Rebel, Resistance

Basic: Inflict one damage over time effect on target enemy for 3 turns and call either R2-D2 or an Ewok ally to assist if present. This attack has a 75% chance to also expose the target enemy for 2 turns.

Special 1: All allies recover 20% health and gain defense penetration up, offense up, and advantage for 2 turns. All Rebel and Resistance allies gain 10% turn meter for each of the following conditions: C-3PO has 100% health, he has 100% protection, he is not debuffed, and he is buffed. (Cooldown 4)

Special 2: C-3PO dispels all debuffs from himself and target ally and they both gain one stack of Human Cyborg Relations. (Cooldown 2)
Human Cyborg Relations: Unit has a 20% chance to revive at 20% health when defeated, and +10% health steal, accuracy, and evasion, percentages stacking for each stack. This buff can’t be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

Leader: C-3PO and all Ewok allies gain +30 speed and Ewoks gain +100% critical damage. C-3PO and Ewoks recover 5% health and 2% protection at the end of their turn for each buff they have. ZETA: C-3PO and Ewoks gain 5% max health and counter chance until the end of the encounter whenever an ally scores a critical hit. Ewoks deal double damage against Empire enemies and have a 30% chance to call a Rebel ally to assist when attacking an Empire enemy.

Unique: C-3PO inflicts daze on a random enemy whenever he is attacked, which can’t be resisted. He has a 50% chance to gain foresight for 2 turns whenever he gains a buff. He has +40 potency. If R2-D2 is present, he also gains these bonuses. ZETA: Droid allies inflict blind for 2 turns whenever they assist. If blind is resisted, inflict tenacity down and offense down for 3 turns.
  • He’s a legendary character that requires five Ewoks at a minimum of five stars to unlock.
  • This doesn’t really make sense
    Why does 3PO have counter chance and Crit damage up if he has no physical attacking moves
    I like what you did with the dispell debuffs but 3PO should not inflict any Damage over time, needs to be passive like Hyoda
    Healing isn’t a 3PO type thing, he could be like L3 with the enhancements for the droids, or a droid leader that beats out HK. I think the kit itself is a little too weak to be considered a legendary character( although I think if 3PO came to the game, he should be) I like Ewoks though that’s awesome 10/10! His Unique is too OP, blind whenever the assist or counter, no one will get a hit. BB8 will blind every one every single turn. Foresight on unique should be 50%, buffs fly around too frequently in a droid team. I’m sorry to say it but I think a droid leader would be better/ more useful than what you have proposed. Thank you for making it though, a lot of effort went into this and I apologize for tearing it apart.
  • Lol, don’t worry, I’ll change some stuff.
    I don’t see why he can’t inflict damage over time (he doesn’t deal any damage, he just inflicts the debuff). This way if he’s the last one standing, DOTs will eat away at the enemy and he doesn’t escape like Hoda (I don’t want to copy Hoda’s escape since I don’t like that mechanic).
    I’ll give crit damage to only Ewoks.
    Counter attacking would inflict DOT, possibly expose, and call R2-D2 or an Ewok to assist. Sounds to me like a ok counter attack.
    C-3PO is definitely a follower, not a leader, except for being the Ewok God.
    Changed blind to only assist.
  • I like the changes, you should check out the kit I made for Padme, it’s right below this one. I might have made her a little OP so I want an outside opinion to see what I should change
  • Because of powercreep, it looks like the official C3PO Kit is much stronger than my idea.