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Xcien's avatar
3 years ago

OOM-9 Kit Idea

Here is the kit for OOM-9, a Trade Federation command battle droid. This kit itself is partially based off of the Command Battle Droid’s kit from LS Geo TB, but with a few changes and updates. I hope you enjoy this kit, and that I earn your honest feedback. Thank you for reading.

OOM-9 was one of several battle droids selected by the Trade Federation’s leaders to receive advanced programming and was later chosen to lead the Federation’s forces during the Invasion of Naboo. During the following occupation, OOM-9 proved invaluable in capturing key cities and pacifying local resistance. With an array of offensive attacks including swarm attacks, an AAT barrage, and droid reinforcements at OOM-9’s disposal, this command battle droid is not to be underestimated.

Unit Name: OOM-9
Alignment: Dark Side
Categories: Attacker (TAC), Leader, Droid, Separatist
Relic: Command Battle Droid Head

Deadly Droid Commander who overwhelms its enemies with offensive strikes.

FINAL TEXT: Deal physical damage to the target enemy and Daze them for 2 turns. If the target was Target Locked, grant all Separatist allies and Droid allies 10% Turn Meter.

Special: THERE THEY ARE! (Cooldown 4)
FINAL TEXT: Inflict Target Lock on all enemies for 2 turns, and reduce their Turn Meter by 20%. Galactic Republic enemies cannot resist these effects. Then call all Separatist and Droid allies to assist, dealing 20% less damage.

Special: AAT BARRAGE (Cooldown 4)
FINAL TEXT: Deal physical damage to all enemies and dispel all buffs on them. Then inflict Expose and 2 Damage Over Time effects on all enemies for 3 turns. This attack deals +5% more damage for each buff dispelled on the target enemy.

FINAL TEXT (ZETA): Separatist and Droid allies have +35 Speed and +30% Offense. Whenever a Droid ally damages a Target Locked enemy, they reduce that enemy’s Max Health by 1%.

Whenever a Droid ally starts their turn, they recover 5% Health and Protection. If B1 Battle Droid is an ally, they recover an additional 8 stacks at the start of their turn instead.

FINAL TEXT: OOM-9 has 50% Counter Chance and gains Bonus Protection equal to 30% of its Max Health at the start of battle.

Whenever a Droid ally uses an ability during their turn, they call a random other Droid ally to assist, dealing 50% less damage.
  • "Sebek;c-2335142" wrote:
    Looks good.

    Thank you for evaluating.
  • "Xcien;d-253567" wrote:

    Whenever a Droid ally uses an ability during their turn, they call a random other Droid ally to assist, dealing 50% less damage.

    Y E S!

    A fellow OOM-9 fan! I love this, the Separatists absolutely need more Droid characters. Looking at the Empire you have Magma-Trooper, Snow-Trooper, Shore-Trooper, Death-Trooper, Storm-Trooper, pilot, multiple officers but with the separatists there's very little OOM or B1 focus, yet they have the model for the OOM droids already in the game! The Empire has so many options for Trooper leaders, yet the droids are forced to use Grievous for maximum efficiency, this would allow for variety and new squads and give the Droids a proper non tantrum leader

    OOM-9 is responsible for most of the conflict on Naboo he's responsible for decimating the Gungans and leading all the operation, he is the only Prequel Trilogy villain that won a ground battle, the only other villain who won a ground war was Veers and he is OT, we already have Nute-Gunray and OOM-9 is his trusted guard and commander.

    We need OOM-9!
  • "ROMG4;c-2339215" wrote:
    "Xcien;d-253567" wrote:

    Whenever a Droid ally uses an ability during their turn, they call a random other Droid ally to assist, dealing 50% less damage.

    Y E S!

    A fellow OOM-9 fan! I love this, the Separatists absolutely need more Droid characters. Looking at the Empire you have Magma-Trooper, Snow-Trooper, Shore-Trooper, Death-Trooper, Storm-Trooper, pilot, multiple officers but with the separatists there's very little OOM or B1 focus, yet they have the model for the OOM droids already in the game! The Empire has so many options for Trooper leaders, yet the droids are forced to use Grievous for maximum efficiency, this would allow for variety and new squads and give the Droids a proper non tantrum leader

    OOM-9 is responsible for most of the conflict on Naboo he's responsible for decimating the Gungans and leading all the operation, he is the only Prequel Trilogy villain that won a ground battle, the only other villain who won a ground war was Veers and he is OT, we already have Nute-Gunray and OOM-9 is his trusted guard and commander.

    We need OOM-9!

    I completely agree with you that the Separatists need more Droids to make a second Separatist Droid squad. OOM-9 deserves to come to the game, and could be a leader for more B1s, whose models are already in-game (Security Battle Droid, Pilot Battle Droid, B1 Heavy Gunner, etc.). In general, Separatists need more characters, since they only really have the Geonosians and GG’s Droids. There are so many Separatists who could be added, including Admiral Trench, General Kalani, the Separatist Leadership, and numerous droids.

    Thank you for evaluating, and hopefully CG decides to add more Separatists sometime soon.
  • "Winterwolves;c-2339449" wrote:
    I never even realised this character existed. I just thought some droids were designated officers with the yellow. I didn't recognize that maybe the officer droid in more than one scene might be the same droid.

    Didn't really make sense to me with the droid controller ship thing anyway. Why have one droid on the ground yelling things when they must have commands being fed from the controller ship? I just thought they were trying to make them seem more relatable by having a command structure visible. Still one of the worst battle scenes in any movie, ever.

    I’m not entirely sure, but I’ve always believed that the more advanced commands were given to command battle droids like OOM-9, who then relayed them to the droid soldiers, who only received basic commands.
  • HKFactory's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I love that this character concept includes droids as a general whole, it brings me back to the days when I used to have fun using HK-47 with a droid team before the nerf, and over reliance on Darth Revan (still not happy with the fact that Loyalty To The Maker doesn’t at least give HK-47 half the stat bonuses when he’s in the leader slot as opposed to being a dead string of code unless Darth Revan is specifically in the leader slot).
  • I never even realised this character existed. I just thought some droids were designated officers with the yellow. I didn't recognize that maybe the officer droid in more than one scene might be the same droid.

    Didn't really make sense to me with the droid controller ship thing anyway. Why have one droid on the ground yelling things when they must have commands being fed from the controller ship? I just thought they were trying to make them seem more relatable by having a command structure visible. Still one of the worst battle scenes in any movie, ever.
  • "Winterwolves;c-2339449" wrote:
    I never even realised this character existed. I just thought some droids were designated officers with the yellow. I didn't recognize that maybe the officer droid in more than one scene might be the same droid.

    Didn't really make sense to me with the droid controller ship thing anyway. Why have one droid on the ground yelling things when they must have commands being fed from the controller ship? I just thought they were trying to make them seem more relatable by having a command structure visible. Still one of the worst battle scenes in any movie, ever.

    No, the worst done battle scene in Star Wars was Geonosis with the Clones lining up Revolutionary war style which actually come to think of it is the majority of clone battles. OOM-9 used high ground, tested the strength of the shields, and sent in the B1s to take down the shield generators. Once they were down he wiped out most of the remaining army with his tanks

    OOM-9 won, and showed greater understanding of basic tactics than most armies in Star Wars.

    Having a commander on the ground makes a great deal of sense, the commander can alter plans on the fly without waiting for the automated ship Ai or controllers aboard it to make a tactical decision, a commander can communicate to the enemy/people on the ground, and more. If you lose the commander you still have the droid control ship, but if you lose the ship you lose the army, this is why its a good idea to have both capable of existing together apart from one another, that way the army can sustain loses rather than having a single point of failure. This is exactly what happened in the OOM-9 campaign in the old strategy game Galactic Battlegrounds

    And ultimately with all the fantastical or strange things that exist in Star Wars, will you really draw the line here? Especially when its something that gives more depth to a primary enemy faction, its no different than the clones having personalities and development of their own
  • "HKFactory;c-2344129" wrote:
    I love that this character concept includes droids as a general whole, it brings me back to the days when I used to have fun using HK-47 with a droid team before the nerf, and over reliance on Darth Revan (still not happy with the fact that Loyalty To The Maker doesn’t at least give HK-47 half the stat bonuses when he’s in the leader slot as opposed to being a dead string of code unless Darth Revan is specifically in the leader slot).

    Thank you for evaluating. I’m glad you enjoyed it.