"Noxhaven;c-1724263" wrote:
"Vertigo;c-1724247" wrote:
"Noxhaven;c-1724244" wrote:
If they change Finns zeta lead so your resistance only gain the 35% turnmeter and 1 turn CD reduction when doing damage to an exposed target during a characters turn - would it cause trouble for any of the standard zFinn teams? (aka it wont give the turnmeter and CD reduction while assisting or counter attacking)
I guess BB8 cant counter attack an exposed target for the CD and turnmeter gain anymore but no one use him under zFinn anyway.. I dont think it will hurt anything else then c3po's swarm attack and rHan counter attacks.
I dont know.. i got Revan and c3po already, just dont like inf loop cheese.
Counter attacks and assists are are all still part of a characters turn. If Yoda attacks Han Solo, and Han counter attacks, that is all happening during Yoda's turn. It is outside of Han's turn. C-3PO's mass assist is still inside his turn so all those exposes and TM gains would still be during his turn, meaning that C-3PO would then be the only one gaining TM and the cooldown reduction from his mass assist, making that not even a viable way to stop the infinite loop.
I rephrased it to this in hope that it wont get misunderstood into oblivion.. again.
If the resistance faction on the team dont get the turnmeter and CD reduction from Finn's leader ability while causing expose damage when assisting or counter attacking - would it cause any harm to any of the regular zFinn teams?
Would only hurt pure resistance teams with RJT or BB8 under zFinn lead. (As well as C-3PO obviously).
It would also hurt any mixed-faction teams under zFinn lead that have any sort of assist or counter mechanism (ie, I put Wampa into a zFinn team so he can stun the characters that are exposed with his basic, if he counter attacks an exposed character he now stuns that toon, but my team won't gain TM). It would severely hurt teams that put GK in to tank for a zFinn team as he spread retribution and calls a mass assist as well. It really hurts all sorts of inter-faction play with zFinn. Which is exactly what C-3PO is supposed to bolster:
"Evasive support character that Confuses foes and strengthens mixed-faction interplay with Translation." They just boosted it a little bit too much....