Forum Discussion

ctiebel's avatar
6 years ago


I run JTR, RT, R2, BB8, and C3PO in phase 1 of HSTR. My score has improved since subbing in 3PO for Scavenger Rey, so I'm going to keep him in the lineup. Does anyone know if his Oh My Goodness zeta is beneficial in phase 1? I don't run him in arena and it's not needed for phase 3 at least before the Finn nerf. Just trying not to waste zeta mats. Thanks in advance.
  • If you're able to keep 3 stacks of Confused on Nihilus already, then the zeta won't help much. If you struggle to get 3 stacks on Nihilus early, then the zeta will boost your score a bit, but hard to say if the boost is worth a zeta.
  • Yeah, it took me awhile to get 3 stacks of confuse on Nihilus. I might try and up 3POs potency first. It's at 115% right now. We have a raid scheduled for tomorrow so I'll have to test it. Thanks for your response.
  • I thought it was too, but Nihilus kept resisting confused and I had to keep restarting. I know he has high tenacity, but I didn't think it should be that difficult.
  • Thx APX. I thought about tw/tb and I think it would help there. Haat is not a big priority now. I can solo it without the zeta already even without Finn.
  • To be clear, I highly recommend the zeta in general. It's great and make 3po much better overall. If your only use for 3po is P1 of HSTR, though, then it isn't worth much. It definitely boosts your score, but it isn't game changing.
  • Thanks for your analysis. I think I'm going to give him the zeta. I just got him to gear 12 and have been reading about how to use him. Seems like an overall good zeta.
  • His zeta is good for other things, but not really for the raid. I never actually use his special during my runs, it gives a lot of speed and tm to nihilus, and gets your team debuffed.

    (Btw, always call c3po with Rey's special, it's weirdly better because of the cooldown reduction)
  • Thx GreenGoblin. I didn't use his special much, but I did use sometimes. I would use it after Rey applied Mind Tricks on Nilhilus and well before drain. Seemed to work ok but a few times it gave him a lot of turn meter. I was using Rey's special to call C3PO and it really reduced her cooldowns. Great tips.