Forum Discussion

Murdia92's avatar
8 years ago

Cant beat level 7. Daring droid event with specific team. Help!!

So in the game Galaxy of heroes there is the Darins droid event where i can get the unit r2-d2 what id like the most in the game, and with together r2 hands in hands i could beat the commander luke event. So ive all the required 5 empire toons ( Palptine, Vader, Royal Guard, Snowtrooper, Grand moff tarkin) for the 7. R2-d2 final battle all of them are at lvl 85 with gear 9+ and with all the required mods. After 4 days of trying everything, every leads every mods i still CANT beat the last level of the Daring droid event. Its just impossible for me and i cant understamd why coz ive all the 5 empire toons at nearly the very max level... its just unbelievable, and i gave up on trying... i still have like 8 hours to beat it but it seems to be unbeatable.. ive purchased mang crystals to grew this team to ita max and still nothing.. i wonder what else could i do?

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