August 18
PhightinPhantom wrote: »
Cantina 6-a Barris Offee 11 Sims 1 character shard
Cantina 5-f Lando 23 Sim 2 character shards.
PhightinPhantom wrote: »
Cantina first node Geo. Soilder -12 Sims 7 character shards.
PhightinPhantom wrote: »
Did Landos and got 15 shards in 2 refreshes
"PhightinPhantom wrote:
At that rate you should have a seven star lando in short order.
So you are currently farming barris, lando and GS in cantina and then you are complaining about the time it will take you to 7-star one of those farms? Seriously?
Look, I'm with you when it comes to drop rates. I also think they could be just higher. And I'm also personally biased against multi-sim ( I know this is not relevant but my feeling is that drop rates are better if I sim at max 2 at once - at least i fill better this way; all that counts).
But to just enrage here on forum regularly doesn't help. Either have some really solid statistic about drop rates (i.e. record drop rates by all means for the next 4 weeks in every aspect) and then we can have an unbiased look on the outcome or just learn to live with that, period.
-- Look I own all but 13 characters I been playing this game sine Jan you have been playing since may I already had about 700.00 or so on the game by the time you de idea to download. So if i wNt to vent and it makes me feel better why not? You say it don't help but it helps me and when others let me know that they got robbed o. The drop rates it let's me know I'm not in my imagination go check out my other post when they get it right I thank em when they don't I vent when I don't know what the hell I am doing I ask. So you write what you want on your forum and I will write what I want on mine. This might actually qualify as a rage but my first. Moment when I simply talked about bad drop rates and u said I was enraged. That just let me know how tender you are so I apologize for that. My roster is ok it's not the best but I'm no rookie Check me out. I only say this bcuz u think I am having a fit b uz I wNt a Geo Soilder barris or a lando when I already own most of all the players for me the fun is collected ting them to the pvp rank not who I can get to 7 stars. I like to collect them for example cade Bane sucks I was happy as a pig in the mud when I got him why back before he was available to f2p. I apologize for those who hate when folks get mean on forums bcuz I understand I just had to tell this guy where I was coming from I hate when someone try to control what others say on there on forum. Anyways ally code 191568986 and you can look me up on www.Swgoh.gg I'm not new to this and when a go Sims 67 times for 8 chewie shards vent here. When u Sim Anakin- 3 refreshes(600 crystals), 21 sims, 2 sharts it's ok to vent about it here. If you think talking about bad drop rates is a lil to hardcore then don't read please. I apologize it's the Americana in me.