And you asked me to help u understand so let me do that.
1. Yes I was complaining about drop rates and yes I was and am serious, after you asked me that question you went on to agree.
2. I am interested in hearing about what other nodes are thought to have bad odds. my opinion your statement about enraging regularly on this forum does not help is false. My goal was not to rage especially because I was and am not angry, mad, or any similar type feeling. I just felt it was a small injustice inside of the game I love to play. I doubt you care to but if you read my other post I don't "rage." And my thread did help if one person got to vent about how they think the game took advantage of them.
4. It's not even up for debate that drop rates have been a issue. The devs are supposedly looking into it, or already did so. One of the things I did wrong is not add my opinion the MEGA THREAD on this same subject.
5. kartoffelSTAMPF, you are not the only person to disagree you are just the only person to disagree and then have an issue bcuz there was a post in the 1st place. Let me ask you a question are you really the guy in charge of drop rates? Because I don't understand why you are opposed to someone blowing a whistle about the subject.