Forum Discussion

Melvil1948's avatar
9 years ago

Chosing Allies

Could someone please explain to me or point me to some information to how are your ally characters offered before a seems completely illogical and random to me...I know that the character that you can choose is the leader your ally is using in his ligh/dark side battles....but besides of that It's all a fog to me...

For example today i wanted to try again Dark Side 7D Hard battle with a new startegy. And I have an allywho uses a lvl 80, gear 10 Dooku and wanted to use him but he didn't show up. The fact is that before that I was farming some gear and this particular Dooku appeared as an option 10 battles in a row (I didn't choose him ever and used a different Phasma every time)....but when the time came to do 7D hard Dooku wsa gone....I re-entered the battle 20 time at least but he never showed.

Then I decided to do Light Side 8D Hard instead...I know I have an ally who uses a Lvl 80, Gear 10 Fives as leader in light side as I've used him a lot of times and wanted to use him in this battle. GUess what - he didn't appear as well, no matter how many times I tried to re-enter the battle. So I gave up, did the battle anyway and didn't manage to 3* it(have it at 2* for quite some time now).

But it's not over....after finishing my energy doing that particular battle I go in to do a run of challenges. I enter the Boba Fet one and what do you know - the first two options for allies that apear are the aforementioned Dooku and this point I was so close to deleating the app but managed to control myself and for now it remains on my phone...but please someone help me understand how this works and don't just say "RNG" because that may just be the thing that pushes me over the edge....
  • Maybe at the same time, these toons were used by other allies? Or it is also played at this moment. If at all possible. In the arena, there are times when you want to fight, but get a message: someone already battling with you.
  • I really don't know...I've figured out that if you have a toon in your team and someone else is using him as a leader it won't shouw up untill you remove it from your team....but apart from thati don't know....