Forum Discussion

AntiFunn's avatar
6 years ago

Clone Sergeant - Phase 1 - Rework Ideas

Good day and hope everyone is ready for a refreshing new week,

Back again today with a Rework suggestion for one of the oldest and forgotten SWGOH characters, the Phase 1 Clone Sergeant.

As the only anonymous and generic Clone we have in-game, there is little to say apart from the obvious. Clone Sergeant is a 1.83m tall Clone from the genetic template of the notorious Bounty Hunter Jango Fett, with enhanced skills, senses and fighting capabillities. As a Sergeant he leads a squadron of men and in-game fashions a Z6 Rotary Blaster. His armor has green marking, the standard color of Clone sergeants with Blue being Lieutanants and Red being Captains etc.

So let's get into it:

Clone Sergeant - Phase I - Rework

1) Z6 Rotary Blaster (Basic Abillity) /Omega/

Deal physical damage to target and gain 50% turn meter and recover 10% health on a Critical hit.

2) Suppressive Fire (Special Abillity) /Omega/ CD:3

Deal physical damage to all enemies and remove 50% turn meter. Then, Expose critically hit enemies for 2 turns which cannot be resisted.

3) Concentrated Fire (Unique Abillity) /Omega/

Clone Sergeant has +30% Critical Chance and Critical Damage. In addition, he gains +10% Accuracy for each Clone ally and gains Offence Up and Defence Penetration Up for 2 turns whenever he critically hits.

Stat Changes:

Base Speed Increased by 16

Description: Critical hit based Clone attacker with effective turn meter gain and reduction.

This kit supports his critical hit bonus potential and considerably increases his offence. He also gains much needed accuracy while fighting alongside his Clone brothers. The additions to his special really brings out the "Suppressive Fire" message while hindering and greatly suppressing the enemy while giving allies a needed momentum