Forum Discussion

ordo801st's avatar
Rising Traveler
3 days ago

Update CT-7567 Rex's Ship Model

So I want to talk about the fact that we never see Rex pilot the ARC-170, yet in the last Clone Wars Season 7 we see him piloting the BLT-B Y-wing bomber. We could see Just a skin change no major kit change(unless we see a touch up to the kit to work better with the Endurance). This way players can keep what they worked on. Then we also can see a New ARC-170 be added and have the ARC Trooper Pilot it to work with the Endurance. Just a way to improve the Clone Fleets. Also maybe add a Nu-Class Attack Shuttle for Commander Cody, since he is seen in one episode Piloting it with Rex to the Rishi Moon base. Granted Rex is paired with his current Ship. 

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