Forum Discussion

afaooa59r75o's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 days ago

Feature Request

In conquest is ask us to do certain buffs or debuffs a certain amount of times. It would be nice if when we are looking through the certain things we need to do in the feats tab that when we click on a certain feat it shows us what characters do that certain buff or debuff or show us what character is being asked of us to use.


I don’t think it’s a good thing when I have to exit out of the game and research things that should already be in the game. This would be an amazing QOL update.

  • Why on earth do you have to exit the game? You do realise phones and computers multitask....

    It literally takes 5 seconds to google the feat and reddit / you tube will not only give you the characters, but also the teams that can complete not only individual feats and can do all the feats in a single battle.

    Peak laziness from you.

    • afaooa59r75o's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      By exit I mean I have to what we call on pc tab out if I’m on a phone. A lot of resources that we have for the game are outside of the game itself. There should be QOL features in the game that shouldn’t have to be made by the consumers themselves. 

      and life is about convenience. It would take me 2 seconds if it were in game. Old geezers like you see inconvenience as laziness when actually it is an opportunity to make something better.