"Crazylazyguy;c-1348895" wrote:
"Light side" "Empire". Right.
Yeah, like Ezra’s friend Zare Leonis who was an Imperial caded but stayed in the
Empires employment to be an informant to Ezra
Wedge Antilles, always light side, was also a one time employee of the Empire training as a cadet. Sabine Ren, light side, was employed by, but not loyal to the Empire. Or Thane Kyrell, main character from the Lost Stars novel, Imperial Cadet for a long time, but light side, who deserts the empire after Alderaans destruction. Galen Esro, officially employed by the Empire, but Light Side, and works for the Empire only to sabotage the Death Star with a compromising Exhaust port in order to destroy it. Officially an Imperial, but light side...
Its not uncommon. To be employed by the Empire doesnt = Dark Side. Thats a very narror and simplistic view of things.