Loving it so far! It's like a prophesy being fulfilled for more worthwhile content that exercises deep rosters. Plus, the recent improvements to GC (crates) continue here, which is welcome. Overall a solid game mode and great debut. Early impressions/suggestions from day 1, sector 1, 10 battle nodes deep:
1) The Mk 12 Wandering Scavenger = holy scrolling marathon, Batman. Please nest this or something, such as show one icon of each gear, then dive deeper to see the options to obtain targeted piece.
2) I'll second the mention that Conquest Energy (also, Ship Energy) should appear on the main cantina screen, at least when Conquest is running. IIRC, CG has stated (for Ship Energy) that it's a real estate issue on certain screen sizes, which seems dubious. The progress bar can be narrower (especially once it's at max), and there's empty space that could likely be trimmed. And if every energy is out of /144, I dunno, remove the repetitive denominator.
3) Speaking of ships, I'm hoping they're in the works for once the general mode is ironed out.
Kudos to the team!