7 years ago
Contraband Cargo?
During CG_CapGasp's recent post on victory counts, there was a mention of an event called Cargo Contraband. Now, I have been playing for awhile and have not seen any mention of this before. So are we ...
"ChristophIV;c-1627884" wrote:"Vinny_Vader_Vedi;c-1627878" wrote:"The_Real_Dark_Light;c-1627864" wrote:
it’s mentioned in the new content update. It’s like credit heist for ships, with a new ships tag ‘cargo ship’ for Slave I, Phantom II, Ghost and the two millennium falcons
Edit: link https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/179554/content-update-8-22-2018#latest
Wonder if 3* falcon will be good enough- or is there a star limit with this event as well.
Well there's no star limit on credit or droid heists so I hope not.