Copied from another thread:
The expense of upgrading a toon to:
lvl 10 = costs @4,600
lvl 20 = 22,578
lvl 30 = 47,925
lvl 40 = 131,634
lvl 50 = 451,134
lvl 60 = 1,100,784
lvl 70 = 2,414,355
lvl 76 = 3,585,855
lvl 80 = 4,400,000(?)
As we've progressed Bounty Hunter Rewards have increased:
Tier 1 = paid 50,850
Tier 2 = 66,100
Tier 3 = 79,100
Tier 4 = 83,300
Tier 5 = 93,300
LS/DS battles pay 190 - 1,560 (if you can beat the lvl 8 hard nodes)
You don't have to be a math wiz to see %'s don't align!
I'll abbreviate from here...
Gear pieces went from Free to @4,500.
Ability mats went from 700 to @45,000
Promotions went from 20,000 to 1,000,000
Something had to be added for the game to remain playable and Galactic War was intoduced @ lvl 40. Even though it eats time like a bender in Vegas, we do it because it's our best source of income.
Profit mining was bad before & now - lets not even open that can-o-worms.
Raids have started but, in theory, pay less than the Omega challenges did (I know they were temporary).
No significant form of income has been introduced since lvl 40 and this is where the problem lies. You can argue my math but expenses were @3% of what they are now. They've increased by a factor of __ I'm too tired.
CG_JohnSalera ;) , if you give your kids a bunch of electronic presents on Christmas morning but forget the batteries... unhappy kids. The juice you created to run these toys comes in the form of credits. Let us play with our toys. Let us have a good time.