Forum Discussion

cam2951201's avatar
8 years ago

Credit heist replays!

I propose we should be able to purchase rerolls for this event. After the first 2 plays you can spend 150 crystals on 2 more plays and then 300 crystals on 2 more plays ETC ETC. it's just with the lack of the credit heists appearance I'd like to make the most of it while I got ahold of it for the day.
  • I doubt they would ever do it for less crystals than their Credit Mega Pack, otherwise they would be undercutting themselves. So maybe 600 crystals for 1st refresh and 1200 for the 2nd refresh and so on.
  • I sit at 27mill at the moment, in the last 3 weeks I upgraded rex, maul and will do kenobi in 6 days(132 shards) haat tomorrow ^_^ will have 20 mill, this week bought 2, 5 dot mods and upgraded them, and another 5 to lvl 12 but they were rubish, and I only have gear for kenobi to get to XI, maul and rex, still sat on gear IX.

    By the time I can upgrade maul and rex at XI will have 40M no credits needed but gear.
  • With where I'm at in the game, I'd rather have heists or something for mats, mainly purple. Want to level up characters' abilities, but I lack the purple gear to do it. Too bad there wasn't a mat exchange store. I have like 1500 green mats. Would like to convert/exchange some for purple mats. Well, I do need credits also, but right now I'm more about the ability mats.
  • I've done Tier 2 of Credit Heist twice so far, and all 4 yielded 625K.

    I don't think it's worth a refresh.

    If I got 2M or more in each of the 4 tries, maybe it's worth a few crystals.
  • The people asking for this must be newer to the game still. Credits just aren't an issue once you've been around a while. I have 30k arena currency just chilling on stand by. 2k gets me a million credits. I could snag 15 mil credits from that currency if I wanted to. Of course I'm going to hold onto it for new character releases, but eventually I'll end up burning it on credits as it gets higher.
  • I mean, credits ARE still useful -- just not has necessary once you are higher level with a lot of level 85 toons.

    If you hunt the mod store, you CAN get a good mods. They cost between 2.5 and almost 4 mil. I try and keep ~5mil in the bank for the game but I usually see a good Yellow with speed secondaries about once a week or so.

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