Forum Discussion

Galgatronix's avatar
8 years ago

Daily Login Rewards should be changed

Don't get me wrong, getting credits, crystals and shards every day it's very nice. But what's a point with those ally points and training droids ? Most of us can easily get 2k ally points per day, so why would we need a bonus 1,2k monthly ? And whats going on with Training Droids ? Few days ago we get THREE 3* Droids and today we get only ONE 3* droid. I think that AP and Droids should be replaced with something more useful or amounts of those items should be increased so they would really feel like rewards.

  • It should scale by by total number of logins made. nothing consecutive so if you miss one its just a slight difference but if someone takes months off they would suffer.

    and nothing crazy but it should scale to some extent.
  • Rewards for challenges, and achievements in particular are outdated as well.
  • How about a shard selector item similar to the one found in another game similar to this one. Once a month give players an item that would allow them to select a number of shards (10,20,40, whatever number) from either all characters in game (excluding legendary event, raid and paywall toons) or for a certain role(attacker tank etc) or faction(empire, rebels etc). Would allow the player base to boost a toon of their choice by a modest number of shards. I think we would all love a 10 or 20 shard selector we could use on hard node only toons (Clone Sarge, I'm looking at you!!!)
  • Rewards are bad so you'll spend money. If you were handed everything, they would make less. I wouldn't count on it.
  • "Atlas1;c-1138144" wrote:
    Rewards are bad so you'll spend money. If you were handed everything, they would make less. I wouldn't count on it.

    No one is asking for 'handed everything." Just for something actually somewhat useful. A mod, or a gear shard or two here and there is not going to harm anyone.
  • "StupidRiggedTrash;c-1138110" wrote:
    I missed one day this month of logging in.

    So my penalty is -8 Tarkin shards. That's rather painful. But hey, there's nothing player-friendly about this game unless you spend money.

    Daily logins have nothing to do with paying money. Idk why you brought that up
  • "Mzee;c-1138226" wrote:
    "Atlas1;c-1138144" wrote:
    Rewards are bad so you'll spend money. If you were handed everything, they would make less. I wouldn't count on it.

    No one is asking for 'handed everything." Just for something actually somewhat useful. A mod, or a gear shard or two here and there is not going to harm anyone.

    I didn't literally mean everything. Pickings are slim so you'll purchase, period. You get jusssst enough.
  • I figure the Daily Rewards are supposed to be structured "low", it's a fantastic boost to newcomers. I'm mostly happy with it.

    But the most useful bits for everyone, regardless of level, are the crystals, credits, and freebie shards.

    The screenshot alone on the 2nd post has 200K credits. That's a lot of leveling up for a low level player, or could mean the difference of upgrading a Toon to 5* or 6* in time for a Raid or Event.

    The biggest potential are still the Ally Points. Those are like lottery tickets. I'm sure some of us has had a bad day at some point, and after tapping a few freebie Bronzium cards, we got an unlocked Toon to brighten our day.

    Personally, I would get rid of the gear from the Daily Rewards. Replace it with something more useful like 5 green mats, or 3 blue mats, or 1 purple mat. As for the one Ally Point reward that's out of place, make that 375 into 500. The ones before and after it makes more sense.