Forum Discussion

frozenritual's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Deathtrooper / Shoretrooper

Can we finally get them in a farmable location that isn’t a 16 energy node or hard node please?

They are both pilots and have been out a fair while now so ship store? They aren’t meta or much use apart from strengthening dark side TB now so come on :)
  • shore is a pain for sure, single hard node farms are horrible and no fun at all (imo)
  • Yes please and give 50 free shards of every character every day please.
    And stuff for gearing easily everyday please.

    I don't want to do any battle. I dont want to farm in a F2P mobile game.
    Please just give me a new account with 100% content unlocked, all toons gear 12 full equiped and give me the possibility to set myself the stats of my 5* gold mods thx !

  • Please give ^this guys more farms like talzin and wicket, he loves putting in the work!
  • They are a tough farm because of their location but I started to farm them recently and it isn't too bad. If you refresh the hard node daily it goes a lot faster plus you get the tie reaper from that node. You have to have resource management for this game, nothing comes easy. With shop changes, they have made this game a lot more reasonable than it used to be.
  • Moved to correct sub forum.

    They are key to DS TB, TW and ships.... Yes they are a hard farm but they are widely used. There is more to the game than arena meta.
  • Thrawn is a pilot as well. I guess he should be in fleet store though B)
  • Shore seems like forever to farm. 79/100 I'm sooo close...

    Refreshing the node will speed it up. Saving crystals to purchase from shipments when you can. Just takes time.
  • "Vettes4Fetts2;c-1436262" wrote:

    Refreshing the node will speed it up. Saving crystals to purchase from shipments when you can. Just takes time.

    He is still premium priced in the shipments and he’s been out a year. Please fix this clear oversight. While you’re at it, fix Sith asassin, Sith trooper and Krennic who are also still premium priced. There is zero reason for these toons to still be premium priced other than laziness to fix them.