7 years ago
DN description is lying
I tried very hard but cannot find any description in the raid mechanics or Nihilus abilities that says he is able to take 2 turns in succession when hitting with his basic or AoE. Yet he does this mos...
"kalidor;c-1491551" wrote:
The bonus action doesn't count as a turn, so if his annihilate was at 5 before his turn, it'll be at 4 after. However - if on his first action he does drain force and all 5 of your heroes are debuffed, at the end of that action Annihilate will be ready to use for his second action.
What I've been doing before Nih takes a turn is to look at both the cooldown for Drain Force (is it ready?) and Annihilate. If say Annihilate is at 2 but drain force is on cooldown, you're safe. Annihilate will be at 1 afterward. If Drain force isn't on cooldown, then you need to do some math - will you have enough debuffed heroes when he takes his turn to do a Drain Force/Annihilate combo, or are you safe? It's tricky, but a lot easier if you can keep your heroes debuff-free (with Rex, Yoda, or Chirrut's Tenacity up or a cleanse).