Forum Discussion

L2wic's avatar
7 years ago

Double drop ?!

Cantina 8-G (0 shard)
  • I never sim more than 2-3 at a time to prevent a screen like this which would cause me to dump my phone in the loo...
    sorry man
  • Drop rates for vets are really shameful.

    I would like to add to this that I was extremely disappointed to find out that double drops are limited to Resistance and Vets only.
    Since double drops are clearly related to upcoming Rey event and considering that BB8 is a requirement for it I expected that double drops will include FO as well.

    Very inconsiderate CG/EA!!!
  • I suspect that the double drop is not working ... i'm getting the same... and are the items supposed to have "bonus" written at the top to show that you are getting double drops - anyway they did during the last event - can anyone else verify this??
    Clarification - i see that his are in the attached picture ... but i've spent a ton of energy and not had a single item of gear or a shard drop with "bonus" at the top.

    and NOW i understand - its only certain nodes that are giving the drop.... which is why certain numbers on battles are gold.... (be gentle oh benevolent and kind users of the internet)
  • YKMisfit's avatar
    New Spectator
    Double drop definitely isn’t working for me either. 360 energy (3 energy refills) and nothing droped double. You should never get one of something in a double drop, and that’s all I’ve been getting.

    The gold 2X is on the light, dark, and cantina so it’s definitely not because it hasn’t started yet.

    No “bonus” on anything either.

    REALLY frustrating after wasting all the crystals and 50 crystal refill rates