Forum Discussion

almightywood's avatar
4 years ago

Droids ARE the anti META

So, out of my own particular obsession, I have defeated competitive versions of both GL Rey, and SEE.

I've gotten some coverage of the phenomenon:

There may be more on the way.

I've defeated almost every difficult comp with droids for more information on how to beat most everything with droids join the droid disord:

My favorite recently is the 10 second JKL comp vaporizer.

For theorycrafting with Its just ian:

The scoundrels server contributed to the hard research:

I'm not as much of a forum regular as I once was so I would direct questions expected to be answered in a timely fashion to one of the aforementioned discord servers.

  • I'm fairly certain there's a combination of 8 or 9 characters that are droidcentric, legendary at best that can defeat any composition, and with proper b team subbing can likely be split into 2 teams that will take down 2 big challenges.

  • Just beat an entire reliced ultimate Sith Eternal Emperor team with 3pac's AoE less than 30 seconds into the match.