I agree wholeheartedly. They need to slightly improve drop rates. The game has moved away from credits & droids being the wall to gear being the new obstacle. Now, we have several toons that are clogging up our ranks w/ absolutely nothing to do w/ them except to be fodder for our very last raid attempts.
My main argument is that increasing gear will help push through new metas. As it stands now, everyone shuffles for the same characters because they want the very few bits of gear they have to count the most. I understand this concept, but it obviously stops most people from building off-the-beaten path characters from being leveled up to the higher gear levels...which is the ONLY real way to test their abilites. You used to be able to gear a guy up to 9-gear & have a pretty good understanding of what they would be like, but man toons dont shine until the highest levels (BF, Nute, Scariff, TFP).
To the people who feel a sense of arrogance about lower end players catching up to you in the case of increased drop rates...dont. The players WILL inevitabpy catch up if they keep playing & keep in mind that this game is probably alreadt at near peak capacity (highest amount of people who will join, highest amount of people who quit & never play again) so its not like the game will be opened up to the masses & cheapen the experience for the veterans. That thinking plays into EA's hands. Its stupid to pass on help/prosperity.
More drops please. Higher drop rates please.