I was confused as well as to what it was and now after finding out believe that I might have accidentally hit it 2-3 times in P1 when the event opened. Basically it isn’t updating platoon toons Deployed in real time, so you enter a platoon and see that one needs 3 toons that you have, someone enters theirs at the same time and deploys the 3 toons, yours still allows you to select them and when you hit deploy nothing happens so like most of us you think it’s a glitch or your signal is bad and tap it again. There is no way to tell that you’ve done it until you actually leave the platoon section and see the deploy updates list on the map in the affected section. I repeat you cannot tell you are doing it while in the platoon section that allows a person to accidentally do it. I also personally believe that it should be canceled if they can. I’m not upset, just think some of these problems are too big to ignore for another 3 days. Not everyone has a forum account or access to the info on the bug. An ingame message would be great if the event can’t be canceled. At least make sure you do everything possible to let everyone know if you plan to keep in running. No one wants to be locked out of their account before the holidays or see it happen to a friend. Just cancel and start a LS TB early if you can. Would give you a week to start addressing the issues and no one could get hurt by the bug.