"Maegor;c-1360090" wrote:
"Maegor;c-1360001" wrote:
People find bugs all the time. Even with this one, yesterday I saw two guilds at 12 stars that had no business being there due their GP, this morning I saw a pic of somebody that showed them deploying 10 times, and immediately knew what was going on.
"NicWester;c-1360037" wrote:
Cool. Then that's people who discovered a bug and deliberately exploited it for gain and deserve punishment if it continues. A reasonable person should know "Hey, this isn't supposed to happen, I shouldn't be doing this."
"NicWester;c-1360045" wrote:
"CCyrilS;c-1359972" wrote:
"NicWester;c-1359938" wrote:
Guys, just relax... Don't take advantage of whatever bug you think might be affecting you and go about your business.
If you took advantage of things before the announcement, just stop doing it going forward. If you continue abusing it even after, it's your own damn dumb fault.
What if someone doesnt know and gets banned? What if someone does know and gets away with it?
Look. Around 2:00 or so today I tried to deploy some characters to a platoon. I tapped the six I wanted, hit deploy and nothing happened. I hit it a few more times, nothing happened. All told, I probably hit deploy a dozen times trying to get those guys in the platoon before backing out, thinking maybe the problem was that someone else in my guild had filled those slots already and the UI just wasn't updating. I went back in, I saw the slots still unfilled and deployed the six guys and everything worked out.
You just contradicted yourself because that's exactly what's happening to 90% of the people not taking advantage of this bug but having it happen to them, including the person in the screenshots that I saw when I figured out what was happening.
And when I figured it out, I made an announcement to my guild not to exploit it in our phase strategy.
No contradiction. I was referring to the "two guilds at 12 stars," those are folks who should have seen the ability to get millions of TP all by themselves and realized "Hey, this doesn't seem right."
A normal person like myself, the person I replied to in that thread that got merged into this one, the person who posted the picture you saw--they figure it out. The process of figuring it out takes a few tries because at first you think you did something wrong, then once you realize what's happening you stop doing it. Accidents happen, the developers know that. It's a blip on the radar.
"Imurfader;c-1360091" wrote:
I agree with Maegor. I'm actually worried about even attempting to complete future platoons at this point because it may happen again by accident. I was 4th the past 2 days, but now I'm 3.5 million up from second place just because of the north territory fiasco this morning. I'll probably just abstain from platoons for the rest of the raid just in case. Sucks though because I have a lot of higher starred dark side toons that would help my guild. Just don't want to get banned because of an accident.
Don't worry about it. Deploy to platoons as normal. If you press the button and nothing happens, back out, wait a few seconds, go back in, try it again. If it still doesn't work, back out again, close the game, try again. There are logs, logs tell a story. Don't try to take advantage of the bug and the logs will tell the story of someone who was inconvenienced, but didn't try to take advantage and nothing will happen to you.
It's fine. Relax.