Forum Discussion

tnarg_1111's avatar
7 years ago

"Easier" Galactic War...?

Hey so about 2 weeks ago or so (maybe more) there was an update for galactic war. I remember reading in the in-game message that it was supposed to be "easier." Before the update I was completing all 12 nodes of a galactic war every 2 out of 3 times. Since the update I've completed all 12 not more than 3 times total...
I'm upset about this. Most of the team's I face now are about the same star quality gear level as my highest teams. (7* and Gear lvl 8). But I only have 2 teams that are that powerful... so somehow EA thinks it's better or mire fair that I face 12 teams with 2? Not so. Your algorithm needs to take the number of viable teams into account, not just highest power of a team, or even total GP (not all teams and characters are created equal. I could have the same GP with the games worst teams and actually never win a GW let alone get close to doing so).
That said there's apparently no part of the galactic war algorithm that accounts for character and team diversity. Which again, because not all teams are created equal, is a HUGE problem/source of anger for me. For example, ever since the update, I've had to face at least 2 teams per galactic war comprising of baze, chirrut, Biggs, wedge, and a random 5th. More often than not I face that team 3 times in a war. Neither of my two best teams can even compete against that team at equal star quality and Gear level, not even at one star quality and Gear level less my teams will still get pummeled by that team. And I see that team 2-3 times EVERY war. Where is the diversity? There are so many other different teams that can be made it is intentional that I see that particular team 2-3 times a war. The GW algoritm knows it too. It was programmed to keep me from winning, not make it "easier". The algorithm needs to be changed. Fine, make the GW more comparable in difficulty compared to my most powerful times. But don't find the one team that wipes my teams out and then make me face it 2-3 times a war when I only have 2 teams comparable in power for a total of 12 fights.....
We get that after the battlefront thing that you got to figure out how to make money. But the answer isn't to make your other star wars games as much of a grind that battlefront was before the backlash. Be the great creative company that you are and make stuff that people willingly buy. Don't force the money out of a player base. You'll alienate that player base, and when you do, you'll lose your cash cow.
I waited 2 weeks to see how my GW's would go, to see how consistent the pattern would be. It's too consistent to be random bad luck.

*note* my two best teams are: 7* nihilus g-lvl 8 (leader), 7* Vader g-lvl 8, 7* dooku g-lvl 9, 7* EP g-lvl 10, and 7* maul g-lvl 8; and 7* wedge g-lvl 8 (leader), 7* p-leia g-lvl 8, 7* ackbar g-lvl 8, 7* lando g-lvl 8, and 7* biggs g-lvl 8.

To say I'm a "little" peeved would be an understatement.
  • I said filled roster. But I never defined it.

    "Advising you to fill out your roster doesn't mean that you need every single character done. If that's how you're defining it, then I guess I don't qualify."

    You said that. Not me.
  • "tnarg_1111;c-1411095" wrote:
    I said filled roster. But I never defined it.

    "Advising you to fill out your roster doesn't mean that you need every single character done. If that's how you're defining it, then I guess I don't qualify."

    You said that. Not me.

    Uh huh. The point of what I was saying was that you were wrong when you said GW was made easier for people who don't need it and harder for people who do need it. There are people for whom GW was made easier who also need the rewards. And, having every single character done is the only way somebody *wouldn't* benefit from GW rewards. So it was the only definition of what you said that made sense. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I will certainly stop doing that.
  • Clearly you think I'm saying something that I'm not. You only had to give me a "benefit of the doubt" for things you think I'm implying. This has clearly digressed from it's original intent. I'm done. GLHF have all. Peace.