7 years ago
Given all the new and extra kitten we have to do now, surely it's time to increase the energy cap??
Obviously CG wants us to buy more refreshes and pocket them a cash windfall, but 144 energy doesn't go far enough given that 8 battles are now normal for hard nodes. It's like the British economy up in here.....everything costs more and everything goes up......except for wages!!
C'mon man throw us a bone
P.S ships rework sucks, at first i thought it was my rage getting the better of me, but it's not. Almost everyone i know from many guilds and shards thinks the same
Obviously CG wants us to buy more refreshes and pocket them a cash windfall, but 144 energy doesn't go far enough given that 8 battles are now normal for hard nodes. It's like the British economy up in here.....everything costs more and everything goes up......except for wages!!
C'mon man throw us a bone
P.S ships rework sucks, at first i thought it was my rage getting the better of me, but it's not. Almost everyone i know from many guilds and shards thinks the same