Forum Discussion

nguard318's avatar
3 years ago

Event balance feedback

Capital games, as a fan of this game and a fan of Star Wars. I’m losing interest in this game that I have been a long time fan of. Most of your events are becoming a serious repetitious battles of the same teams that are made up of just nearly impossible ways to defeat these events or battles for other things. Such as, the battle to get 5 stars for Hux’s Capital ship… you thought it would be “challenging” to put a garbage capital ship from the start at 4 stars and only 3 ships to start with…and even though these ships are seven stars and upgraded to the max such as Bossks ship which is the ultimate tank in ships gets defeated easily with the amount of bonus turns and buffs and debuffs my team gets that you give the opposing teams from the start. Vader’s ship (why, idk maybe you guys are running out of first order ideas) which apparently in this battle? Vader’s ship is completely useless…his abilities don’t remove buffs as well as his ship doesn’t get turn meter with a target lock…why? Idk, I’ve read everything during the battle to see if I’m missing something. Then there’s Bossks ship, the ultimate tank. Gets defeated (after Vader’s ship quickly does) by another series of bonus turns. Which has the opposite effect when I face Bossks ship. Tons of bonus turns against Bossks ship only leaves Bossks ship with a ton of shield. Why my fully upgraded Bossk ship doesn’t? Again, havent a clue. Maybe I’m missing something. Then there’s Kylos ship, which from the info before the battle tells me that his ship is the best to have out first. Well, his ship lasts the longest but the basic attack, never seems to stun, as well as the damage output doesn’t seem very high at all. I’m working towards SLKR so his ship is completely maxed. By the time I get a 4th turn with Kylo? HIS SHIP IS THE ONLY ONE LEFT. Around that time I get my reinforcement ship. Which is a weak AF 7 star boba ship. Which dies practically immediately. As well as Kylos ship shortly after.

The point I’m getting at, is many of your events are becoming this way. Very unbalanced and leaving players with “what…??” Characters and ships that are given to us to unlock and build but when we go against some of these same characters? They have several abilities, strengths and defenses that they normally wouldn’t have all in you all’s “attempts” to make it “challenging” this is becoming a joke. The conquest under galactic battles? An even bigger joke like how the mandolorian rebel Sabine gets turns…repeatedly until your character dies. That her a G12 computer AI. Going agains a player with a relic 7 team…it’s bogus.

This game is awesome and it was even greater before the galactic legends which I thought was a good addition. But you Capital Games are slowly ruining this game. You guys think your making “challenging” and fun events, but instead you’re making head scratchers and frustrating battles that you need almost maxed “God” characters to even have a chance with. I’m just one fan so you’ll probably disregard this message entirely due to you being a multi million dollar corporation. But you guys keep making these garbage, unbalanced and ridiculous things in this game? You’re going to start losing players. Starting with this one. And I’ve invested money into this game and have played it for several years. Balance your freaking game…