Forum Discussion

Cory-Richards's avatar
7 years ago

[Feedback] JTR back w/ BB8 [MERGE]

Unbelievable.. CG produce arguably (no arguments) the best mobile game I've ever played. They play on my pure love for the franchise and then ruin it these past couple of months.
Introducing a raid which is, realistically, still in its beta stage and way too hard for 95% of the guilds in this game to realistically complete. The only real way to have any chance is to have a couple of JTR teams who can use their expose mechanics to help the rest of the guild through.
Nerf expose.. A brilliant mechanic who players have spent (now wasted) time and resources on, which makes the raid even more difficult.. So, how do the devs change this? Just drop a legendary character who will have only been around for 3 months as of the start of the event? This goes against all previous cadences of legendary characters ie. Thrawn and CLS (who reigned in the arena for a good 6 months prior to returning), which people based their farming of required toons off of.
This announcement will annoy A LOT more people than it will please.
The only way to fix your broken raid is to drop a character who is the only capable one of beating it, and who is also needed in high numbers to do so. Way to sweep the mess under the carpet!