Looking forward to it, BUT...
...I hope there are more places to farm ships. Fleet Shipments + small amount of GW isn't enough. I'm farming the Falcon even though I'm done with Rey, and there are other ships available, but it needs to be more. With 7* ships required in TB, it's time to decide whether you're going to keep them as a novelty item, not fully integrated with the game, or truly make the part of the SW:GoH experience and not merely a side-quest to get your Zetas.
We don't need TIE Silencer, etc. right away - new ships can stay exclusive for a time like new toons, but ships need to be moved into more accessible farming opportunities in a massive way. Right now you can farm ships in TB Tokens & GW tokens, but since you don't use ships to do anything except get zetas to improve your characters (... and for a little bit of a boost in TB, you lose more TB tokens to buying ships than you gain by eventually, someday getting another TB Star - you'll have to promote a lot of ships to see a single star difference in TB ...) you're much better off just improving your characters once the zeta challenge is over.
Putting many more ships in Regular and Cantina Energy nodes is a necessary step so that you can then require ships as part of things like Rey's Hero's Journey or other core content. Having the FO-TIE as a daily login reward is a good step and I hope signals better availability and better integration in the future.
I plink away at ships here and there - almost entirely with GW tokens as I have no priorities there - but frequently feel that simply saving up tokens for when a character is moved into a store is a better use than blueprints now. If more ships were available for better energy costs in LS/DS/Cantina nodes, I would move more ships from 5* => 7* and if more people do that, you can require ships in core content more often and make it all seem one game instead of Toons and that ship side-quest.
Here's hoping that with the FO release, we'll see some older ships moved into other portions of the game (maybe 2 well-loved ships that should make anyone's farming priorities and 3-4 ships that are much less loved, but might get more attention if they weren't competing for shards with the best ships in Fleet Shipments).