"tile;c-2452234" wrote:
"Gawejn;c-2452229" wrote:
"Legend91;c-2452226" wrote:
"tile;c-2452220" wrote:
"Gawejn;c-2452054" wrote:
Many guilds above 500mil gp are sandbaging. They prefer to have like 3 wins than 4 loses, despite that part of their guild is playing less tw, it is still better for them in rewards. It is funny when 2 such guilds are matched ;). My guild is considering doing the same, we are like 450mil and we would like to avoid guilds 550mil who can easily play in 40 players against guilds like mine. If game allows that, why not.
Not saying that guilds don't try to game it but to say *many* do it with your proof merely anecdotal from a few people you know isnt proof of many. TW is by far the worst game mode by a mile. Its completely unenjoyable. Expecting 50 people to be on call for 24 hours is frankly not fun nor realistic for most people that have lives. My guild is TW optional with the only TW rule of if you join you participate. We hardly ever get full guild join and that, frankly, is normal and ok and we dont apologize for it at all. That isn't sandbagging. And I'd bet that theres more of this than actual gaming of the MM process where guilds are making certain folks sit and not get rewards even if they want to play so that most of the others can. This is a game and asking people to be on or availalbe for that long is just stupid. TW needs to change to make it more individual so people that have families or work or whatever can do what they need to do when they have the time to do it in the day
Is "Mandalorian Horizon" your guild?
Where did you find this guild? They always win.. 550 mil guild which is going against opponents like 400mil and they win with such a margin of points. Like their oponents cant clear one zone. If they dont sandbag on purpose...this is situation that cg should adress. I had same expierience so far with another guild. Wall of gl leia.and they were playing like 75% of their guild. It was like a heavy weight boxer wanted to fight in middle weight. And be proud after winning...
yep, that's my guild. we don't tell anyone to sit or rotate people in or out of TW. i would imagine we would lose players we told to sit and not get any rewards just so a bunch of others can get better rewards? ya...that wouldn't fly. when we recruit we tell recruits from the start that we are not a TW guild. if they love TW we aren't for them and we can help them find a TW focused guild. we have no problem playing "better" guilds if thats who we match up against. but that's not our problem. we play the game as it is currently designed.
the underlying solution to the issue OP posted about should be a better MM algorithm or a complete rethinking of what a guild vs guild game mode should be but your premise that "many" guilds are sandbagging is just not substantiated. maybe its true. maybe it isn't. what i do know is that a game developer asking their players...a vast majority of whom likely have full time jobs and significant others or kids to be on call for 24 hours for a game is absolutely insane.
That is why I do maybe 1 TW a month.
Dumbest game mode that exists here.