Forum Discussion

MistPassiert's avatar
6 years ago

Fix Dooku Unique!!!

Count Dooku's rework was okay but his damage is just as bad as it was before. In a live stream this last Thursday night, I proposed a new version of his Unique Ability (Flawless Riposte) that gives him some actual teeth, makes him an actually threatening character, and gives his zeta upgrade FAR more value than simply a small damage increase and a 15% protection regen.

My proposition also plays off of his abilities in Star Wars Lore, being one of the best lightsaber duelists in not just the galaxy at the time but in Star Wars, period. His skills with a lightsaber rivaled even those of Grand Master Yoda.

My proposition:

Flawless Riposte (Unique)
Count Dooku has 100% counter chance. In addition, whenever he attacks outside his turn, he deals 15% more damage and gains 15% Turn Meter. (Eliminate current Zeta upgrade of 15% damage, 15% prot regen, gain crit immunity for one turn)

The bonus damage applied by his counters after suffering damage can only be applied a single time, so no matter whether he gets a bonus attack on his counter attack or not, the bonus damage cannot be applied more than once. This ability change gives Count Dooku more survivability in gaining a permanent Crit Hit Immunity since he generally has only a combined 50K h+p with average mods. He also regains a small piece of his old kit in the 15% evasion but also plays into his skills as a master duelist, capable of evading attacks and making use of the exposed enemy by countering even after an evade.

Let me know what you think of my proposed change to Count Dooku's kit!
  • This is an amazing proposal, @Mist_Passiert !!!! Kudos my brother!

    Darth Tyranus was indeed a master duelist (the greatest lightsaber fencing Force wielder, ever, according to both Cannon and Legends, as you said), and, this small adjustment to his kit would take this into account. I would love to see the devs apply this adjustment, to one of my favourite characters in Star Wars lore, making him a viable threat, when we face him in TWs and GAs, instead of the "wet noodle" he currently is.

  • @Carth_Onassi1973 maybe his kit will work better with the Geos, but if he doesn't get a significant boost with a Geo rework, perhaps he can get another chance at greatness. Comparing Dooku's kit to Embo makes me wish Dooku could get better survival from his zeta. 15% protection regen after getting hit for 20-30k doesn't do much on that front. Crit immunity for one turn helps a little, but can be dispelled and doesn't help when GMY opens up with a massive 40k basic crit knocking Dooku down to a sliver of health.
  • Would be nice to make him either hit hard or survive... hes only a glass pea shooter still now. But maybe they're adding a new sep with TB that will help
  • I like it @Mist_Passiert . Makes him much more of a threat. Although perhaps, as @Daishi mentioned, maybe there’s a method to their madness and there will be another wrinkle once the new map starts that will enhance his kit. If not they should definitely consider a buff, and this looks like a good one.
  • Rex also hits like a nuddle and dies after 2 hits but has the best leader ability without synergy. Maybe after geonosian reworks he will be like Rex - great leader but not so great stand alone character.
  • "Mist_Passiert;c-1864886" wrote:
    @Carth_Onassi1973 maybe his kit will work better with the Geos, but if he doesn't get a significant boost with a Geo rework, perhaps he can get another chance at greatness. Comparing Dooku's kit to Embo makes me wish Dooku could get better survival from his zeta. 15% protection regen after getting hit for 20-30k doesn't do much on that front. Crit immunity for one turn helps a little, but can be dispelled and doesn't help when GMY opens up with a massive 40k basic crit knocking Dooku down to a sliver of health.

    Good point. And yes, if the damage can’t be ramped up, then at least a bit more protection would be good with his zeta.

  • "Mist_Passiert;d-204363" wrote:
    Count Dooku's rework was okay but his damage is just as bad as it was before. In a live stream this last Thursday night, I proposed a new version of his Unique Ability (Flawless Riposte) that gives him some actual teeth, makes him an actually threatening character, and gives his zeta upgrade FAR more value than simply a small damage increase and a 15% protection regen.

    My proposition also plays off of his abilities in Star Wars Lore, being one of the best lightsaber duelists in not just the galaxy at the time but in Star Wars, period. His skills with a lightsaber rivaled even those of Grand Master Yoda.

    My proposition:

    Flawless Riposte (Unique)
    Count Dooku has 100% counter chance. In addition, whenever he attacks outside his turn, he deals 15% more damage and gains 15% Turn Meter. (Eliminate current Zeta upgrade of 15% damage, 15% prot regen, gain crit immunity for one turn)

    The bonus damage applied by his counters after suffering damage can only be applied a single time, so no matter whether he gets a bonus attack on his counter attack or not, the bonus damage cannot be applied more than once. This ability change gives Count Dooku more survivability in gaining a permanent Crit Hit Immunity since he generally has only a combined 50K h+p with average mods. He also regains a small piece of his old kit in the 15% evasion but also plays into his skills as a master duelist, capable of evading attacks and making use of the exposed enemy by countering even after an evade.

    Let me know what you think of my proposed change to Count Dooku's kit!

    A big YES from me!!!