Fix the raid already
The Naboo raid is by far the worst raid ever created by this excuse of a money grabbing dev team
it is the most RNG raid to date can run the same mods and 1 shot it or take 20+ attempts to max it out. why is there any RNG in the raid at all it is a un timed PVE there is no need for it.
if you want RNG like the charged mechanic go ahead and let us bring in op datacrons to balance it out.
So far all this shows is they have no respect for the time of there players with how it is and there refusal to change it. no reason for rng or at the very least like every other event let us get a run and be able to sim that same score unless the player wants to try for a higher score.
no reason to have sim in every other PvE aspect but not the raid. waste of time for a currency that should be available on every other raid as well
Simming to resubmit the last achieved score would be golden. You could still play if you wanted to improve your score. Anywhere else we have simming it is essentially an option to resubmit a previous result (3-starring a particular event).