Forum Discussion

WrathofCaedus's avatar
9 years ago

Fix Tournament Match ups Please

Once again it wouldn't matter how many ally points I saved, no matter how many I use I can't beat any of the teams I face. This is becoming a joke. Between the reward toons that only whales or ppl who've been playing since day 1 w multiple viable teams are gonna be able to have a chance at, and this power difference in match ups these tournaments are nothing but a waste of time. With the credit crunch, constant disappointments, and amount of money I spend to stay remotely competitive I think I may just be better off cutting my losses & finding a new game to play. Either way I'm done wasting my time with this, why bother when if I wanted I can just spend money down the road & get the toon, the only real thing that anyone plays these things for ( I realize there are other rewards but let's be honest, people really want the toons & shards) Way to go EA, another epic disappointment. How hard would it be to have shards based on power averages in Arena vs this current method of level? As if every level 80+ is equal...